What Are Explainer Animation Videos? The Benefits for Your Business

Business People

Don’t we say that a picture is often worth more than a thousand words? The rise of video content in recent years is undeniable evidence to underline this adage. From interview videos to promotional, training, and explanatory animation videos, many formats can serve various purposes.

But what is an explainer animation video? What are the different types and benefits of an explainer video? Who may need an explanatory video for their project? In this post, MezzoLab tells you all you need to know.

What Is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is a professional video typically used by businesses for marketing purposes. This type of video can be used to:

  • unveil a new product;
  • promote an exceptional offer;
  • or to give an overview of a service offered by the company.

Explainer videos are commonly used for marketing purposes, on websites, landing pages, social media, or during presentations. They effectively capture the audience’s attention and provide a clear understanding of the topic being explained.

What Are the Different Types of Explainer Videos?

A significant portion of explainer videos produced today are animated videos that may involve several types of animations. Some of these include:

Character animation

This is ideal for storytelling and impacting potential customers. The staging of one or more animated characters will allow spectators to identify more easily with what is being told to them.

Motion graphics

This can be a combination of dynamic text, animated objects, and creative transitions. These few details can make an explanatory video more attractive.

Whiteboard animation

A great classic of animated explanatory video, whiteboard animation brings storytelling and maximum appeal to an audience looking for a solution to a problem.

What Are the Benefits of an Explainer Video?

Now that we know what an explainer video is, it’s time to understand why making an explainer video is helpful for your project. Briefly, here are some advantages of an explainer video:

  1. Visual Impact: An explanatory video is dynamic, short, attractive, and catches the interest of those who watch it.
  2. Lead Generation: Explainer videos are helpful for visibility on the web. Moreover, attractive and relevant content means more qualified traffic on your site.
  3. Conversion: More than beautiful dynamic images, the explanatory video serves an educational purpose that will “warm up” your prospects to encourage them to buy your products and services.

An explanatory video is, therefore, a short video format, a real marketing tool for many applications. Explainer video can have many applications in a wide range of industries.


Indeed, whether you want to present a product, a service, a process, your company, or train your employees, this type of content is quite relevant.

Whether in finance, marketing, automotive, or tech industry, the potential applications of motion videos have no limit. Any industry can benefit from the advantages they bring. From the smallest start-up to the large multinational via an association or an NGO, any structure can use an explanatory video to convey a message effectively.

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