10 Marketing Tools to Boost Your Online Advertising Results

Marketing Tools
Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

If you’re running a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign for your home business, then you know how important it is to get the most out of your budget. To do this, you need to use the right tools.

In our previous articles we offered you tips on advertising networks you should try beyond Google Ads and ways to run successful campaigns on Google Ads.

In this article, we’re providing you with our best marketing tools that you should be considering to help you maximize your advertising results.

Table of Contents

  1. Unbounce
  2. Tenscores
  3. Funnels.io
  4. Fraud Blocker
  5. Opteo
  6. SpyFu
  7. ClickFunnels
  8. WordStream
  9. Moat
  10. Optimizer

1. Unbounce

PPC isn’t just about running ad campaigns. It’s ensuring the traffic you’re paying for converts at the highest levels.

Unbounce is an incredible tool that helps you build powerful and high-converting landing pages in just a few minutes.

They provide nearly 100 landing page templates to choose from and each one is optimized to capture a lead or convert to a sale. You can edit those pages with a drag-and-drop format (no coding skills needed!) and their unlimited color, font, and image options make it easy to create branded messages that you can quickly publish to your custom web domain.

You can A/B test each of your landing pages to maximize your ROI or you can use Unbounce’s Smart Traffic where your visitors are automatically matched to the best-fit landing pages.

Price: $90/mo – $225/mo

2. Tenscores

One of the best ways to save money on your Google Ads campaigns is to make sure your “Quality Score” is high. This score consists of several factors, such as keyword relevance, and it plays a major part in determining the price you pay over other competitors for a specific search keyword.

Tenscores is a PPC tool that analyzes your Quality Score and provides clear recommendations on how to improve it. It identifies areas where you may be wasting money due to poor quality scores and it provides a thorough analysis of the history of your quality score to help you identify trends that you may not see otherwise.

Price: $25/mo – $999/mo

3. Funnel.io

Funnel is a data management tool that helps you get your data where you need it, when you need it. With Funnel, you can easily collect and centralize data from all your various marketing channels, then use that data to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns.

Funnel also allows you to track your campaign performance in real-time, so you can identify and fix any issues as they arise. You’ll never have to worry about manually cleaning or preparing your data again once you’ve used Funnel because it automatically combines everything together.

Some of the key features of Funnel include:

  • Data collection and centralization from all marketing channels;
  • Real-time campaign performance tracking;
  • Automatic data cleansing and preparation; and
  • Detailed campaign reports and insights.

Price: $399/mo – $1,999/mo

4. Fraud Blocker

Fraud Blocker is a click fraud protection tool that helps you to protect your online ad campaigns against click fraud. It does this by detecting and blocking IP addresses that are known to be involved in fraudulent activities. Additionally, Fraud Blocker also monitors your campaigns for suspicious activity and flags any potential threats.

Some of the key features of Fraud Blocker include:

  • Best-in-class click fraud detection (such as device fingerprinting, IP monitoring, VPN detection and more);
  • Fraud scoring;
  • Automatic IP blocking;
  • Direct integration with Google Ads;
  • Customizable detection rules; and
  • Easy management of subscription and teams.

This tool provides complete protection against common click frauds like bot traffic, click injections, click farms, and fake clicks from competitors and vengeful customers. Click fraud is a serious issue and click fraud losses are estimated to reach $100 billion per year by 2023, according to Juniper Research.

Price: $39/mo for their Starter plan, $59+/mo for their Pro plan

5. Opteo

Opteo is a PPC tool that can simplify your Google Ads campaigns. It uses data-driven insights to suggest improvements to your ads, which you can implement with just a click. Additionally, Opteo brings all of your performance metrics into one central dashboard, so you can easily track your ad performance. Some of the key features of Opteo include:

  • Insights based on your conversion data and targets;
  • Suggestions for improving your ads;
  • Implementation of improvements with one click;
  • Centralized dashboard for tracking ad performance;
  • Detailed reporting and analysis; and
  • Intuitive interface.

Price: $99/mo – $799/mo

6. SpyFu

SpyFu is a PPC tool that provides keyword suggestions, spying on competitor’s ad activity, and AdWords templates. The templates can be imported into an AdWords account and used without modification. All relevant keywords for each ad group are grouped together. This makes it easy to add branded or product keywords.

The features of SpyFu are:

  • Analyze your competitor’s ad spend and paid keywords history.
  • Identify who else is bidding on your chosen keywords.
  • Get smart keyword suggestions that will help improve your chances of success.
  • Automatically organizing keywords into ads groups makes the process less daunting.
  • Using successful copies from the past can give you some guidance and ideas for yours.
  • Gain intelligent bidding advice to make sure you’re making the best decisions.

Price: $39/M – $299/M

7. ClickFunnels.com

ClickFunnels is similar to Unbounce (noted at #1 above) in that you can build and publish high-converting landing pages using simple, drag-and-drop functionality and you can evaluate their success with A/B testing. However Clickfunnels, takes it a step further and offers payment gateways, email, SMS and affiliate tools.

These added features provide a holistic, lifecycle marketing program to ensure your visitors aren’t just captured, but also are pushed towards a sale with automated reminder messaging. It costs a bit more than Unbounce but the product offering is much greater.

Price: $97/mo – $297/mo

8. Wordstream

Wordstream is one of the older and most popular PPC management tools in the space. They offer a suite of tools that can help you with every aspect of your campaign, from keyword research to ad creation to bid management. And it does all of this in one easy-to-use platform.

One of the most popular features of Wordstream is their free Google Ads Performance Grader. This tool gives you a detailed look at how your campaign is performing, including which keywords are driving clicks and conversions and which ads are getting the most impressions. This information can be incredibly valuable in fine-tuning your campaign for better results.

Price: Performance Grader is free, however full-featured plans are based on your monthly ad spend and start around 10%.

9. Moat

Want to see what display ad creative your competitors are running?

Moat is an excellent tool that quickly displays most (if not all) of the display ads your competitors may be running. It also keeps a record of older ads and shows the entire history in their database.

In 2017 Moat was acquired by Oracle and, as a result, it expanded its product offering significantly to include a rich suite of analytics tools. The competitive ad search is still free, but there are many other features now offered for a premium fee.

Price: Free to search with additional features available for premium plans.

10. Optmyzr

Optmyzr is a PPC tool that automates the optimization of your ads with the help of machine learning. Advertisers can manage both Bing ads and AdWords from the platform. Some of its key features include:

  • Adding or Eliminating Keywords
  • Adjusting Placement on Display Networks
  • Changing Bids
  • Paid Keyword Optimization
  • Bid Rules
  • Ad Creation and Editing
  • Scenario Planning
  • Budget Execution & Monitoring
  • Advanced Targeting Options
  • Ad and Conversion Tracking

Price: Starts at $208/mo


PPC should be a critical part of your advertising efforts. By continually optimizing those campaigns using some of the tools above, you can ensure that you’re maximizing your sales while minimizing your waste.

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