Why Content Marketing Can Be Your Company’s Biggest Asset for Growth

By now, there’s a good chance that you have heard of content marketing. Content marketing can be your company’s biggest asset for growth since it helps build credibility and establish authority online.

A well-researched and well-written blog post is more persuasive than a generic advertisement.

Let’s look at the following content marketing stats:

  • Businesses publishing sixteen plus posts a month get almost 3.5 times more traffic than businesses publishing zero to four articles.
  • Content marketing rakes in conversion rates six times higher than other methods.
  • After reading recommendations on a blog, 61% of US online consumers made a purchase.
  • Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses without.
  • Almost half of 18- to 49-year old people get their news and information online.
  • Content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.
  • When compared to paid search, content marketing gets three times the leads per dollar spent.

Not convinced? Here’s why content marketing can be your company’s biggest asset for growth:

Good content attracts organic search engine traffic

You’ve probably heard this before: content is king! And not just any other content but good content. Good quality content is gold for SEO. An ongoing content strategy will help drive more organic search traffic to your company’s blog.

In fact, a study found companies that publish more than sixteen blog posts in a month got almost 3.5 times more traffic than companies that published less than four blog posts.

Content marketing is more effective than native advertising

For a while now, native advertising has been having a hard time. This is basically because with native advertising it’s impossible to stand out. Also, fewer ads are getting through with the rise of ad blockers.

On the other hand, content marketing is having an easier time getting through. This is because audiences are naturally attracted to good content. Also, content marketing blurs the line between advertising, education and entertainment. In fact, a study found that content marketing beats native advertising in terms of traffic, links, and leads.

Content marketing helps you retain existing customers

Sometimes, we may forget the customers we already have as we are too focused on finding new ones. This is a grave mishap. As you probably already know, an existing customer costs less to retain than it is acquiring a new one.

With a great content marketing strategy, you will have an easier time keeping your existing customers happy. Besides providing them with relevant content, you’ll also have a chance to showcase the other services your company offers.

Content marketing has a high ROI

This is essentially because of its scope of influence. If you are able to publish and syndicate your content in various places, you are bound to see a huge bump in the form of conversions and customer acquisition, customer retention, customer engagement, inbound traffic, brand reputation, and of course, brand visibility.

All these areas have a great potential to maximize your marketing, improve cost efficiency and amplify your returns many times over.

It makes your brand an authority

You can make your brand an authority on your subject by giving out regular, quality, and free information. This also helps build a tightly-connected community of customers who are loyal to your brand.

Being an authority also helps your brand build trust. And trust is, by far, the most important reason to create a content marketing strategy. Customers base their purchasing decision based on your brand’s trust level.

Content marketing will help increase your social media growth

Social media marketing platforms are crucial in content marketing efforts. They help provide your audience with a chance to share content with their friends and followers. This in turn makes your brand more visible to a wider audience. With time, not only will your social following grow but your content marketing’s exposure will also increase.

But to succeed in your content marketing campaign via social media, you also need a strong strategy. Social media is like a sport. You need the right pieces in the right place at the right time. It also requires consistent effort.

Content marketing adds value to your product/service

Consumers generally receive valuable content well. This is because it either teaches them something new or it helps them solve a problem in their everyday lives. Although the value may be intangible, it helps build a long-lasting relationship between consumers and your brand.

If applied correctly, content marketing can be the key to taking your business to the next level. It’s also important to remember that while content is king, quality is the queen.

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