5 Tips on How to Win at Online Property Auctions

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Depositphotos 11364243 m 2015 e1519149746528

Online property auctions have become more popular than ever. Nowadays, you can purchase a house or commercial location while in the comfort of your home.

Most people and companies prefer buying properties at online auctions. According to statistics, e-commerce and online auctions generated approximately 183 billion U.S. dollars in 2009. It is possible to join property auctions while in a calm environment, instead of having to be part of competitive crowds. Perhaps you need to find a bigger home to fit your home office, or want to expand your company by purchasing office space. If you need any assistance regarding online property auctions, do your research to find the best auction company online

1. Have a realistic investment strategy before the auction.

Do you want to buy a property, hold, and then rent? Or purchase and flip? Are you looking for fewer expensive houses or several lower-priced properties? Are you interested in houses nearby, or are you capable of managing a property from a distance? Having a realistic strategy will help you win bids and also buy properties that meet your requirements.

2. Have your financing in place.

In most cases, online auction properties require either cashier’s checks or cash. Some allow financing. However, a buyer is required to ensure the funds are delivered to the seller within a specified period of time. To take part in an auction, you need to deposit a specific amount.

It is important to understand that a substantial money deposit is required to win a bid. Even if you do not have enough capital, you can win the bid. However, you may end up losing the deal altogether with your deposit.

3. Do your homework.

You should know that there are many scammers on the internet nowadays. Doing extensive research about the company you intend to deal with is important. It will minimize your chances of falling into scammers’ traps. Most of these types of sales have no contingencies. There is also no recourse in the event that the property fails to meet your expectations.

It is necessary to check out the property as well. Checking out the local housing market or corporate area and the safety and condition of the neighborhood and surrounding streets is crucial. Are the rental rates rising? How about home prices? Having up-to-date information about unemployment rate as well as the demographic profile is also important.

4. Watch the bidding.

Online auctions are similar to live auctions. The bids placed are never final until the end of the auction. Most experienced people wait until the last minute to come in and then win the deal. Some sites will extend the bidding period if someone submits a higher bid just before the end of the auction.

You should watch the bidding closely in order to protect your bid. If you are online and someone submits a higher bid, you’ll know how and when to counter.

5. Stick to your price.

Experienced bidders are highly knowledgeable when it comes to bidding. They are not only disciplined, but they also remain careful throughout the process. You should know the correct market price of a property. Otherwise, you may pay too much money for a cheap asset.


Winning a bid on an online property auction site is not easy, especially if the property is valuable and many bidders are interested in it. However, it is certainly possible to grow your business with a new home office space or commercial location by bidding on a property online. You can get a property if you apply the techniques discussed above. Seeking pieces of advice from other experienced bidders can also be helpful.

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