App Marketing Strategies for Launch

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Building an app can be challenging, but what comes next is undoubtedly more important. Every product needs to be marketed; if it is not known by people, no one’s going to buy it. If you are seeking ways on how to deliver your app to the market, we have outlined some key strategies that will prove useful.

Run a Beta Program

If an app does not work as intended then you have a big problem on your hands. The way your app works can lead to how people perceive your company. Doing a beta program for your app is crucial; try to get your app into the hands of people before launch. Once more people start using the app, more potential bugs and issues may pop up, giving you enough time to iron out the kinks before rolling out the app on a bigger scale.

Get Your App Approved for the Store

This step defines the delivery medium for your app. Where do you want your app to be available? You will have to send in your app for review. Google’s PlayStore is quite lenient with the quality of apps, but Apple’s App Store is much more curated, so if you are planning on making your app available for iOS devices, make sure the quality is up to the mark. Additionally, only ask for relevant information and permissions from the user’s device, otherwise it will get flagged as a potentially malicious app.

You can hire a designer who has experience working on mobile app company logos to design your logo. Remember, presentation counts and branding is everything in the app marketplace.

Set Up Social Media Accounts

A big part of marketing nowadays is having a presence on major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It is easier to get your product known and send your message across when you have access to a pool of a billion people. Set up an advertisement plan with Facebook and target people who you think are the audience for your app. Social media channels allow you to communicate with customers directly, and provide assistance to them.

Commit to Online Marketing

Setting up social media accounts is one thing, but having a dedicated website for your app shows you mean business. The more premium you think your app is, the more extensive your marketing strategy should be. Building a website is very easy nowadays; a managed WordPress hosting will set you back $100 – $150 for a year.

You can set up email marketing to engage customers who want to be in the loop for the next update.

Sponsored Reviews

You can easily pay tech bloggers to review your product or put up a banner on their website. YouTubers are actively promoting apps, games, and other products. This is another good opportunity to get your product exposed to people.

Following these strategies will surely prove beneficial. The amount of work you put through getting the app out in the world will not matter without great post-launch support. So be quick to respond, keep your app up to date with any changes made with OS updates, and maintain a good brand image with solid customer support.

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