6 Reasons to Invest in Corporate Video Production

Woman Filming Video
Brett Sayles / Pexels

The internet has facilitated a wide range of new marketing tools for businesses to leverage. An often-overlooked example is video marketing. It may have existed prior to the web in the form of television ads, but its effectiveness is most evident online.

In fact, a 2015 survey by Animoto found that four times as many recipients preferred watching videos of products instead of reading about them. Are you giving your target audience what they want? You wouldn’t want to miss out on potential sales because your competitors are making a more memorable impression on your audience.

If you’re still unconvinced, consider the following 6 reasons to invest in corporate video production.

More Traffic

According to a 2018 report by Kleiner Perkins, video is responsible for 66% of all web traffic. By not leveraging corporate video production, you may be missing out on a major portion of your potential customers. Posting your videos on social media channels and other websites is a great way to expand your reach and bring in more traffic.

Return on Investment

Corporate videos can range in cost depending on the length, content and company responsible for producing it. In any case, it happens to have a great return on investment. This is especially true if you find a professional and reputable local producer. You might want to consider commercial video production Miami if you’re in the area.


Did you know that a video is seven times more likely to be shared than a link? A well-produced video can invoke an emotional response and get people to share it. Think of it as free promotion. There have been many cases of corporate videos going viral and bringing in millions of views. Your business can easily be one of them.

SEO Rankings

Google began ranking videos in search results as far back as 2007. To this day, search engines prefer websites with video content. Publishing regular video content can help you gain an edge over competitors and improve the overall quality of your website. This is another effective way to ensure that your target audience is able to find you.

Conversion Rates

One of the main objectives of any marketing campaign is to convert customers. Video content is an excellent way to do this. A study by Eyeview Digital found that websites with videos on their landing page are 80% more likely to convert clients. That’s a pretty big number.


The vast majority of your target audience are mobile users, and there’s no denying the importance of including them in any marketing strategy. Consider a 2019 study by Rocketium Academy, which found that 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile devices. This makes it a great way to attract customers who use smartphones and tablets.

The possibilities of corporate video production are merely limited by your own imagination. If you choose to invest in a video for your business, don’t hesitate to let your creative juices flow and put together something that will truly make an impact.

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