4 Tips to Make Your Emails Stand Out

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Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

You don’t have to get lost in the sea of emails sitting in your customers’ inboxes.

Thinking about how to make your emails stand out among all the other emails your customers receive on a daily basis can be overwhelming. Especially when you consider that over 300 billion emails are sent every single day.

Of course, you’re not competing with all 300 billion emails, but your emails are likely landing in an inbox with hundreds of other emails sent on the same day. That means the stakes are still high and standing out is really important to get your customers to open your email.

In many cases, brand recognition just isn’t enough to encourage someone to open your message. Behaviorally triggered emails have a 152% higher CTR than marketing emails that aren’t triggered by behavior. That means leveraging tools that help you create behaviorally triggered content and build conversations with your customers is essential.

Want to learn more about crafting an email that will actually get a click? You’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take a look at 4 tips that will help you stand out from the crowd and get your emails opened.

Here’s a quick look at the tips we’ll cover in more detail:

  • Write a killer subject line
  • Provide value to your customers
  • Understand your customers on a deeper level
  • Create a unique design

Here’s How to Make Your Emails Stand Out

So you’ve made the decision to take your emails to the next level, now what? These 4 tips are just a few ways you can start to make your emails stand out and entice customers to keep reading. The best part is that these simple tips won’t break the bank or force you to spend hours recreating emails.

Write a Killer Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing your customer sees when your email lands in their inbox. That’s why writing a killer subject line is one of the most important steps to making your emails stand out.

Think about your own email inbox. How many emails do you receive a day, and how many of those have boring, run of the mill subject lines? Chances are good you’re not opening those emails and quickly sending them to the trash folder.

On the other hand, think of an email that you recently received that had a subject line really stood out. One that pulled you in, or was so out of the ordinary that you just had to click and see what the email was all about. That’s the type of subject line you want to be creating.

While it might be easier said than done, there are a few things you can do to make your email subject lines wow your customers. Consider these tips to writing the best possible subject line.

  • Don’t let your subject line be an afterthought, write it before starting the body content
  • Keep it short, especially when you consider your customers will probably open it on a mobile device
  • Put the most important information at the beginning of the subject line
  • Make sure it clearly explains the topic of the email
  • Tell the customers about the value that you have to offer them and why they should open your email
K12 Prospects
Image courtesy of K12 Prospects

Getting the subject line right can make a big difference for your email metrics. Even just comparing read rates based on the length of the subject line proves that every detail matters when creating/writing your subject line.

Writing the perfect subject line can be the difference between a successful campaign and one that flopped. The art of subject line writing is always changing and so are your customers — there’s always room to improve.

Provide Value to Your Customers

When you send your customers emails, think about it from their perspective. What value does this email add to their daily lives? You need to identify what value you are providing to your customers and make sure they know it.

Sending an email about how great your company is and why someone should work with you won’t get you very far. When a customer opens an email, they want to be told immediately what they have to benefit from reading this message. If they don’t find that value, your email will quickly get deleted and you may have higher unsubscribe rates.

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MarketingProfs Marketing
Images courtesy of MarketingProfs Marketing

Knowing your customers and telling them what value you have to offer them is a great way to stand out. Be direct and tell them why what your email has to offer is a benefit to them. This is a great example of how to quickly and directly get the benefit to the customer across.

The value you have to offer will vary based on your products and services, but here are a few examples of ways you can provide value to your customers via email.

  • Share case studies and success stories
  • Tell your customer how you can solve a problem they are experiencing
  • Use real testimonials to share previous projects and experiences
  • Offer a discount or reward they would be interested in

By sending emails that clearly outline the benefits of working with your company to your customers, they are much more likely to engage with it. Just keep in mind that your customers don’t want to read a sales pitch. By making it a more personalized experience that provides them with something they want or needs, you have a higher chance of converting them.

Understand Your Customers on a Deeper Level

The better you understand your customers, the more personalized experience you can provide them. From sharing the right content at the right time to know more about what products they’ll want in the near future — personalization can improve their experience.

The more relevant the content you send to your customers, the more likely they are to continuously open your emails. If they have that you’ll be sending new product recommendations that fit their interests or that they will receive a discount code via email, they will be much more likely to click into the email.

Think With Google
Image courtesy of Think With Google

The better you understand your customers, the more likely you are to reach your goals. Marketers agree that knowing your customers and engaging with the right customers can make a big difference in your marketing efforts.

As you start to build a reputation as a company that provides relevant and timely content, your customers will grow to trust your brand and engage more often.

There are a variety of ways you can understand your customers on a deeper level. Here are just a few ways you can start to build a better relationship to increase engagement.

  • Use predictive analytics and marketing to forecast future purchases
  • Know what customers wait for discounts or sales before making a purchase
  • Send relevant content and product recommendations based on the journey stage of the customer
  • Segment your email lists so you can more effectively target your customers

The better you understand your customers, the more accurately you can market to them. Taking the time to learn about what works and what doesn’t will help you improve your personalization efforts. All the hard work will pay off when your content stands out from the dozens of other emails filling their inbox.

Create a Unique Design

What could make your emails stand out more than unique and exciting design elements?

Putting extra time into designing your emails can go a long way for your brand recognition and make your emails stand out. If your customers come to know your brand as the company that always sends out of the box email designs, they will open the emails just to see what design lays inside.

Urban Decay Marketing

Urban Decay Marketing
Images courtesy of Urban Decay Marketing

Creating a bold design that will stand out when a customer clicks into your email will encourage someone to keep reading. Adding an extra layer of interactivity such as encouraging people to vote for their favorites provides a fun way to increase engagement.

Take your email designs to the next level and incorporate interactivity and different ways to get your customers involved and engaged. By doing this you won’t only stand out based on your design elements, but also in the fact that your emails do more than the traditional static content we all receive every day.

Do Your Emails Stand Out from the Crowd?

Now our question for you is: do your emails stand out from the crowd? Or is it time to take a step back and find a new way to let your brand shine. It’s time to start creating emails that break the status quo. Emails that stand out in an inbox full of emails. Emails that are destined to get read and improve your conversion numbers.

Email marketing doesn’t have to be boring and just another thing to check off of your to-do list. The extra effort will be worth it in the long run and in the end your customers will know your name.

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