How to Make Your Product Stand Out on Retail Shelves

How to Make Your Product Stand Out on Retail Shelves

The holiday shopping season is right around the corner, and retail shelves will soon fill with seasonal and limited-edition products. Drawing customers’ eyes and differentiating your products from competitors during this hectic time can be tricky. We provide a few pointers for how to make your product stand out on retail shelves this upcoming holiday season.

Highlight the product with packaging

You may think it’s a no brainer, but one of the best tips for how to make your product stand out is to focus on the product’s packaging to highlight the product. Designing your packaging in a way that emphasizes the product’s unique elements will help differentiate your merchandise from other similar products on the shelves. Incorporating clear plastic into your product’s packaging, for instance, allows the consumer to properly view the product prior to purchase. This enables customers to clearly view the product and assess it for durability, functionality, and style. When customers know that the product is of high-quality and will function as intended, they’ll likely purchase the product.

Choose color carefully

Psychologists continue to study the impact color has on buying patterns, and using color correctly can be instrumental to your product’s success. According to color psychology, certain colors encourage specific emotional associations, and they can impact a consumer’s buying patterns in very distinct ways. Companies often use bright colors to grab customers’ attention. Red, for instance, is one of the most popular colors for product packaging and marketing because it creates associations with passion, love, and power. Though less vibrant than red, cooler toned colors like blue and green can also effectively catch a customer’s eye, and they can convey feelings of trust, dependability, and freshness. The colors you choose for your product’s packaging should differentiate it from the competition and work as an extension of your company’s overall brand identity.

Keep the packaging relevant

A great way to help your product fly off the shelves, particularly during the holidays, is to regularly update it to fit the changing seasons. Updating product packaging will entice new customers to try the product, and it offers loyal customers a fun change of pace to the same products they already know and love. Changing product packaging can particularly benefit you during the holiday season. Holiday themed items are popular among consumers, as they’re typically offered on a limited-time basis. Seasonal products, along with vibrant and festive packaging, will make consumers gravitate toward you instead of the competition. Regularly updating your product packaging to reflect the changing seasons will help your product stay relevant and will keep customers interested all year.

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