Make the Move to Mobile: Why Texting-for-Business Is Big

Man texting on phone
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

Small businesses, take note. Once reserved for Fortune 500 companies, mobile marketing (and specifically texting) has grown in popularity in recent years and is now accessible to virtually any size organization—from start-ups to corporations across industries.

In fact, 39 percent of businesses use some form of texting with their customers today, and 64 percent see value in business texting even if they haven’t yet used it. What’s more, a whopping 76 percent of consumers have received some kind of text message from a business, and 74 percent said they would like to receive more of these types of texts.

Research indicates that consumer behavior and preferences are currently evolving towards mobile marketing over phone, email and apps. As awareness of texting-for-business benefits increases and consumers continue to favor this communication option, these numbers are expected to grow dramatically in coming years.

Why are businesses moving towards this platform to reach their target audience? There are several key reasons—mainly that it’s easy to implement and integrate into existing workflows, happens in real-time and the 99 percent open rate of text messages is staggeringly high.

Why does the public prefer to communicate in this way? In part because our inboxes can be inundated with emails, so valuable ones become buried. Recipients tend to actually read messages when they’re sent via text over other channels. Additionally, for many individuals, texting feels more personal and direct.

The bottom line: Now is the time to get texting.

Thanks to advancements in digital marketing technology, a plethora of affordable programs and comprehensive management services are available to simplify your company’s day-to-day mobile marketing operations. These resources can and will guide you through all facets of a thoughtful texting campaign, from customer opt-in/opt-out to content development to auto reply keywords to compliance.

This is particularly good news for SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) as text messaging is a powerful B2C engagement tool. Compared to other marketing initiatives, it can have a big impact on customer relationships and your bottom line—leading to increased loyalty and a higher conversion rate.

If your company is ready to test the mobile marketing waters, here are five tips to help launch an effective text messaging program as part of an integrated marketing strategy to better connect with customers.

1. Be brief 

Texts are limited to 160 characters (if longer, the text will be split into separate messages). Brevity is key, so short and succinct copy that can be read in approximately five seconds will resonate with customers. Texts should have one main message or focus.

2. Keep your frequency light

Overkill—like daily texts—will quickly get you blocked. On average, most companies find that sending three to four messages each month strikes the right balance. During busy periods such as large events, outreach can be more frequent depending on the value it provides the customer.

3. Reach out for a reason

To keep the customers’ interest, avoid repetition, vary each message and contact them only when needed—along the lines of appointment reminders, purchase confirmations, receipts, delivery details, announcing promotions and offering rewards program updates.

4. Use auto reply keywords 

An auto reply message can offer immediate answers to common questions (like directions, store hours and sale dates). Consider giving customers the option of sending specific keywords in response to texts. For example, set the keyword “DIRECTIONS” for location details, which sends the customer a link to maps or a Google My Business profile.

5. Introduce photo and video 

Visuals attract customers’ attention by offering a break from the repetitive nature of plain text and positioning your company as creative and progressive. On occasion, consider including a high-resolution, professional photo of a new item and link to your website.

Using mobile messaging to get in touch and stay in touch with consumers can be a simple way to optimize your company’s marketing efforts. With more than 16 million text messages sent every minute in America, the writing is very clearly on the wall: We are using (and responding to) our phones more than ever. Savvy businesses recognize that texting is an entirely new channel to effectively reach and influence their target audience.

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