My Top Six Business Lessons

Rhian Allen

1. Big rewards involve big risks, and sacrifices.

I quit my job, sold my house and invested every dollar I had, and started The Healthy Mommy. I was six months pregnant and realized there was no holistic support system to help women get healthy and strong after giving birth. I built the business from a simple idea and it is the world’s largest health and weight loss community for moms. Many people will say that quitting your six-figure salary job and selling your house is a massive gamble, and that is certainly true, but I was (and still am) so passionate about this idea and truly believed this was important and that I could make a difference for moms.

2. Always put your customer first.

The reason why I believe my business has seen a 30 percent year-over-year growth is because I have always focused on my customer and building my plans around her. If there’s something I want to implement or add to the business, I always make sure it’s benefiting the customer. How does it add value to their lives? Will it make it easier for them to do X, Y, Z? Can something that already exists be done better? Make your customer your priority and you’ll attract loyal customers. If you don’t respect and understand your customer, your business will fail.

3. Find your unique service, support and product offering.

My plan wasn’t complicated — I felt I could create a unique service which was helping moms get fit and healthy after having children. I had a true understanding of what moms needed, having had a child and not having that support myself, and I just knew I could help other moms.

That’s not to say it was easy — I would say:

  • be sure to work out the realistic funds you are going to need to launch your idea and tally up the rough costs of website set up, stock, business admin set up, marketing and intellectual property costs.
  • Surround yourself with the right people who will help you get there.

I believe my success would not have been possible without my strong team and the incredible Healthy Mommy community that continues to inspire what I’m doing. They’ve also provided invaluable feedback that has helped evolve the brand which has been crucial for its expansion into a global business.

4. Work can only do so much; passion and persistence will get you far.

I was living a comfortable life with my corporate career, but my heart wasn’t in it. I needed to do something I was passionate about (so even though I was about to go on maternity leave) I knew it was time to pursue my idea. The Healthy Mommy started from my passion for health, fitness and nutrition, and I was pregnant, so I was able to put in the energy day in and day out, and invest all my money to make it work. I’ve always wanted to do something to help others. I’m lucky that I can now reflect and see how far we’ve come — from a simple Facebook weight loss challenge, to The Healthy Mommy that has helped millions of moms lose weight and feel amazing after birth.

5. Expand your business by investing your time, money and energy.

While The Healthy Mommy has continued to grow, I have invested all of the money back into the business every year instead of taking the money. I also invest in the business by putting in the energy and effort every single day. With this investment, we’ve been able to fine tune the hugely successful 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and an App that offers meal plans, a coach, 4000+ healthy recipes and 400+ full length workouts, along with Healthy Mommy Smoothies, supplements, kids’ smoothies, over 40 books, beauty products and more!

6. Balance is key.

My days are very busy, especially doing school drop offs and pick-ups during the week, but I start at 5am every day without fail. Having said this, balance is key. I ensure I don’t let work take over my family life and I’m always mindful that my boys never feel my business is more important than them. Also, I’m lucky that my husband is also my best friend and business partner, so I always feel like I have this incredible force supporting me every step of the way.

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