The Power of Video to Tell a Story

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Few things have the power to move like video. Video is more effective at telling the story of your brand than any other medium. Instead of dry text that potential buyers will skip over or photos they interpret (or misinterpret) for themselves, video effectively communicates the message you choose.

Why is video so powerful?

The human brain is visually oriented. While writing is a far older medium of communication than video or even photographs, the visual is more important. Whether running from a predator or chasing down prey, early humans needed to make fast decisions about what they saw, and our evolutionary makeup has not yet changed.

We are capable of processing visual input at 60,000 times the speed we interpret text, meaning that one minute of video about your brand is worth close to two millions words. This alone makes video a powerful tool you need to harness in telling your story.

Emotions and buying

While we love to believe that we make all our decisions using reason and logic, humans are very emotional beings. Emotion can powerfully affect buying decisions and perceptions of brand loyalty. Video can help take the ins and outs of business and bring it into the realm of the personal, where emotions live.

People who are unable to generate emotion actually have enormous trouble making buying decisions, even when they have all the facts in front of them. Buying or even choosing a brand is a personal decision, and a story that activates feelings of love, sentiment, pride, vanity, or even envy will powerfully affect our choices.

Marketing proof

The proof is in the pudding, as research continues to demonstrate the power of video to attract and influence clients. Social media posts that include a video will average three times the inbound links of posts that feature only text. Once Facebook allowed brands timelines to start putting up videos, the average brand saw engagement go up by 65 percent.

The generations alive today expect to engage with video. Nearly 85 percent of American watch online videos, with those under 35 watching the most. 85 percent of millennials have bought because of a video they saw, according to Marketing Dive.

What makes effective video?

There is no doubt that video has power to communicate your brand story in an effective way; but harassing the full potential of that power is key.

Invest in quality

The first step is to see this marketing strategy as an investment. While the funny viral video occasionally makes waves, quality is always more likely to grab the kind of attention you want. Unless you have a robust video department already on staff, hiring experts is always your best bet.

929 Media, a professional real estate video production company, knows how to produce exceptional videos that capture the zeitgeist of your brand and communicate the emotional message you want to the audience you hope to target. Partnering with a production team such as this will ensure your video delivers on its content and quality.

Have a clear message

If you don’t know what your business’s message really is, you will never be able to communicate it effectively to your intended audience. You need to think carefully about who you really are, what’s important to your real estate company, and what you most want viewers to know about you.

Show, don’t tell

Your video production company will help you move away from explaining everything in words. It is important your video be professional, but also that it be natural. The personal touch is important. Potential clients need to feel that you are on their side and have an emotional connection to your story in addition to seeing your professionalism.

Video has a unique power to inspire: harness that power to effectively promote your brand.

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