Podcast – Power of Messaging in Business Building – Interview with Professional Speaker Cam Barber

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Interview with What’s Your Message? Author Cam Barber

Discover the power of messaging to bring attention to your product, ideas and business. Can good, effective, simple messaging EMBED your home business into the minds of your customer base? YES! Good messaging is not an accident. Sherilyn Colleen, Managing Editor, and Richard “Captain” Henderson interview Cam Barber, a professional speaker and author of What’s Your Message? Cam focuses on the awesome power of messaging. Cam Barber developed the Vivid Method for Public Speaking, which focuses on Message transfer and natural style.

Subjects discussed in the podcast include:

  • The meaning of ‘messaging’ for home business owners
  • Why you should care about messaging
  • Some examples of great messaging…(Paul Hogan, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk)
  • How messaging is different for marketing and branding in a home business
  • How to craft a vivid, memorable message

Cam Barber is a professional speaker and speaking coach who focuses on the awesome power of messaging. His background as a radio executive taught him how to get inside the mind of an audience and trigger message recall. Cam was given the nickname ‘Message Man’ for his work as a speechwriter and a messaging consultant for leaders, businesses and professional sporting teams. Cam Barber developed the Vivid Method for Public Speaking, which focuses on Message transfer and natural style. His method demystifies and simplifies public speaking.

So tune in for hard-hitting messaging advice from expert Cam Barber.

Episode Sponsor: Pace Products * www.paceproducts.com

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