4 Ways to Kill Your Brand in 24 Hours or Less

Each day, some of the world’s largest companies take multimillion- and multibillion-dollar risks online — risks that could fatally harm their brand even though they don’t realize it.

Risk #1: The Sluggishly Slow Brands

When brands take big advertising buys, but don’t properly load test their apps or websites for the traffic rush, they communicate to consumers not to expect fast or timely service because they are sluggishly slow.

To prevent losing new and long-standing customers due to slow website or app connectivity, businesses can utilize a cloud based load testing tool called LoadView for websites, web applications and API’s. LoadView presents a quick and simple way for business owners to test their sites. Launched by Dotcom-Monitor, a software company that offers a wide variety of performance monitoring tools, LoadView can improve a business’s chances at growing revenue by keeping website speeds up to par.

Risk #2: The Scarily Unsafe Brands

When big brands don’t test their apps and online services for all of the potential hacking and security threats, they are telling the world that their brands are scary, unsafe, and risky to use.

Risk #3: The Inconsiderate and Rude Brands

When brands don’t test for all of the possible user interaction sequences in their apps or sites, they are implying that their companies are rude and inconsiderate.

Risk #4: The Sloppy and Unprepared Brand

Because many brands regularly expose themselves to all three of the above risks, they further communicate that their entire operations and management are sloppy and unprepared.

With advance preparation, new technology, and strategic testing, brands can eliminate all of these risks. HBM

Appvance Performance Cloud (www.appvance.com) is a complete solution — tools, methodology, and platform — for testing modern apps for performance and security risks. With Appvance, businesses can quickly test millions of virtual users and determine the root cause of potential performance and security bottlenecks — achieving 600% more productivity than prior generation testing tools.

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