Why Your Business Should Put Hygiene First

Woman cleaning office window

Good hygiene is incredibly important in the world of business in all industries, yet it is also an area that is often overlooked by business owners. It may not seem like hygiene is a priority when there are so many other important aspects of running a company. If you take a look at why it is so important you will soon realize that this should be taking precedence and you may be able to find ways to improve hygiene in your place of work.

Germs & Bacteria

The majority of businesses will have multiple employees all working in one space and sharing equipment throughout the day. There may also be customers passing through throughout the day. This large volume of people in considerably close quarters means that it is very easy for germs, bacteria and viruses to spread, which can lead to staff absences. So, by investing in the cleanliness of your work environment, you may find that employee sickness reduces and thus any lost revenue and productivity could decrease. Furthermore, keeping a clean and tidy workspace can make the office space seem much brighter and fresher, which can have a positive impact on your employees’ wellbeing.


Poor hygiene in the workplace can also reflect badly on the company. First impressions count for a lot in the business world which means that you will want to make a good impression on any potential customers, clients, investors and interview candidates when they come through the door. This can be hard if you have a dirty workspace and could even lead to poor reviews.

Improving Hygiene

So, how can you improve hygiene in the company? There are a few different ways to do this and it will depend on your industry. Obvious solutions include regular deep cleaning of the entire building and ensuring that bathrooms have high-quality hand washing stations. Commercial washing machines can also help to keep clothes, fabrics and anything else that your business uses clean and fresh to promote good hygiene.

Hygiene Policies

Hygiene policies are also important because they can educate staff on how to be hygienic in the workplace. This might include signs that encourage them to wash their hands after using the bathroom, to regularly emptying rubbish bins and making clear the expectation on your employees not to come into work when feeling sick. You could also lead by example by making hygiene a priority and taking pride in your personal hygiene and appearance by coming into work fresh and clean each day.

Regardless of the industry that you are in, hygiene should always be a priority. It is very easy for workspaces to become unclean and unhygienic when there are multiple people working together and customers coming and going, but this could have a negative impact on your business in many ways. You do not want your business to get a negative reputation and you want to promote employee health, so taking a few steps to improve hygiene in the workplace is important.

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