11 Office Cleaning Hacks

Happy Young Woman Cleaning the Floor with Mop in Modern Office

These cleaning hacks will help you keep a clean and organized workspace.

Whether you’re working from a home office or in the workplace, a clean desk helps keep a productive mind. A cluttered work environment simply doesn’t promote concentration and focus; rather it distracts and creates a stressful aura. A messy office reflects poorly on your management and organizing skills and can affect your promotion or client relationship.

In your effort to keep a clean office, buying expensive cleaners may not always be the best investment. Harsh cleansers can add toxicity to what’s supposed to be a productive and focused work environment. Here are some hacks for a more economic, environmentally safe and effective approach to a greener and cleaner workplace.

1. Sticky Notes for the In-betweens

Probably one of the most commonly used and ever-present office supplies, sticky notes help with more than just reminders. These handy pieces of sticky paper can clean up crumbs or dirt caught between your keyboard keys. Keep your keyboard lint- and crumb-free without having to buy a brush or other cleaning tools.

2. Electronics Organizer

While you’d normally use a desk organizer for supplies like pens, scissors and markers, they can hold electronics too. They make an organized and easy-to-reach place for your tablet, phones and laptop accessories.

Choosing a larger desk organizer also gives you space to keep frequently referenced books and pads.

3. Extra Caution for Carpeted Floors

Offices with carpeted floor need a little extra caution when it comes to food. This means spill-proof drink containers (hot or cold) and limited snacks. Spills not only lead to stubborn stains; the smell can stick and linger when not cleaned immediately.

Apart from the extra caution, investing in a good carpet steam cleaner helps maintain your floor’s freshness and cleanliness. More than just clearing off the mess, a carpet steam cleaner sanitizes and kills bacteria and viruses. You can find the best models featured on steamcleaning.reviews.

4. Keep a Handy Dust Cloth

Having a readily accessible dust cloth on your desk helps you minimize dust accumulation while you work. Just grab it whenever you have time to spare or while you talk to someone on the phone and start cleaning.

A microfiber cloth makes an excellent choice for this task, since it clears away dust and crumbs effectively.

5. Invest in a Good Vacuum

A good vacuum not only cleans well, it cleans fast. Save on electricity and labor cost. It should cause minimal disruption if someone needs to pick up the vacuum during business hours.

A high-quality vacuum reaches tighter spaces like in between your computer, printer and desk organizer. If your vacuum doesn’t have an accessory for these spaces, use a condiment cap. Simply attach its lid to your vacuum hose and secure it with rubber bands to get through those tight areas.

Investing in a vacuum also means better maintenance of your floor, which therefore reduces cost for repairs or replacement. It’s especially important to have a reliable vacuum for hardwood floors. To help you find the best model that fits your needs, reviews found here feature top-notch vacuums.

6. The Sock + Vinegar Blinds Cleaner

Though convenient and professional-looking, blinds can be a bit tricky to clean. Wearing a sock dipped in vinegar and rubbing it over the blind slats gets them clean in a breeze. We suggest vinegar because it sanitizes while needing no rinse.

If the vinegar scent worries you, you’ll find that this smell fades as it dries up.

7. Water Stains from Cups

Stained your table top with a water ring from your coffee cup? Simply wipe the stain with mayonnaise to clean it up without damaging your desk. If you carry a portable hair dryer or keep one in your drawer, this helps get rid of stains too.

These simple solutions can keep your table clean, especially considering how often you have a drink on your desk.

8. Powder for Wet Papers

If an accidental spill got your book, notepad or documents wet, you can use powder or cornstarch to absorb the moisture. Simply sprinkle these over the wet pages and let them sit for about six hours. Once dry, lightly brush off the powder, preferably with a soft bristle brush.

The paper will be a bit wrinkly but should have readable content. This safe approach helps avoid tearing the pages vs. fanning them out.

9. Baking Soda Pots and Office Fragrance

A closed space can build up a musty smell from a lack of outside airflow. An in-office pantry or small kitchen can add a build-up of odors that can turn off clients and workers.

Keeping pots of baking soda in strategic spots along with essential oil drops will help keep the office smelling great. Use specific scents that boost productivity, wakefulness and focus. This hack combines the benefit of cleanliness with a positive mood in the workplace.

10. Sanitize Office Chairs with Hydrogen Peroxide

Along with your computer and electronics, your office chair probably gets the most contact daily. All that dust and dirt from wherever you or your clients have been accumulates over time. Not to mention some accidental food spills from time to time.

Instead of regularly replacing office chairs, regular maintenance and cleaning makes an economic choice. Simply use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing soap to clean and sanitize your chair. A regular scheduled cleaning helps extend your chair’s life; do so every last day of the workweek.

It’s a task that not only keeps your chair looking fresh, but also makes it germ-free. You definitely want your office chairs welcoming for guests and clients as well.

11. Hand Towels for a Floor Sweep

Ran out of Swiffer pads to clean up in anticipation of a big meeting? Hand towels make an excellent alternative for your Swiffer head. They hold dust and debris with the added benefit of lightly buffing the surface.

Make sure to clean these used hand towels thoroughly before reusing for personal use.


A clean office supports a positive energy while also helping to keep a clear mind for better concentration and productivity. While hiring professional cleaners from time to time helps clear up the mess,who faces it before then?

Instead of spending a lot of money on professional help for cleaning tasks, you could keep your workplace tidy and organized. Save on cleaning costs and maintain a healthy environment. Avoid having to look for stuff in a jungle of mess. More than just foul odors and an unpleasing aesthetic, a messy workplace can breed stress and disease. Health and well-being definitely make a clean workplace worth the effort to achieve and sustain.

Finally, a clean space reflects better on you and creates a better impression for your client or boss. A well-managed and organized workspace reflects intelligence, good organization and attention to detail. With these simple hacks and tips, you can easily achieve a clean and green work environment.

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