Benefits of Working from a Shared Office Space and How to Maximize Them

Open office

Open-concept offices are becoming increasingly popular. The idea of an open space in which all employees sit together at school desks has created a new office space format with its own pros and cons. Every business needs its own office space, and one of the biggest decisions that you will have to make if you’re planning on getting a working space will be deciding how to set it up. When you search for office space for new businesses in Washington DC or whichever new exciting city you’re living in, some things you may consider are deciding if employees will work separated from each other or if they will work in an open space together, for example. Having a checklist containing all the ideal elements you think your dream office interior should have will help you narrow down which spaces match what you have in mind, and which don’t!

What are the benefits of open spaces found around the world? What disadvantages are hidden in open offices, and how can you work effectively when a colleague is talking on the phone? Let’s try to understand all the intricacies of this type of office space.

Shared Office Space: What Is It?

Offices in an open-concept format were invented by Frank Duffy, a New York student at the Faculty of Architecture. The first attempts to create a common working space were undertaken by Prince Potemkin during the design of the site for economic and social events. In Russian companies, the open-concept style appeared in the mid-1990s. Today, it is an effective unified workspace for office workers. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of separate offices (only executives have offices).

Benefits of Open-Concept Offices

●    Comfortable interaction between colleagues. It is much more convenient to consult a specialist when he is sitting nearby than looking for him in separate offices. You can assess how much work he has at any given time and not distract him if he is busy.

●    Prompt resolution of any issue. Most of the work takes place in one room, and it is easy to contact a colleague from another department so that urgent tasks are solved on time.

●    Efficiency. Open-concept offices require less money and are more spacious than the classic office space due to the greater coefficient of useful area.

●    Fewer psychological barriers between colleagues. Regular communication contributes to a more comfortable and relaxing atmosphere among a team. People are less embarrassed and feel freer in the work environment.

●    Work control. Management can monitor the staff’s activities much more easily when everyone is in sight.

●    Less gossip. There’s no talking behind closed doors. Everyone is in the same room, so the likelihood of gossip decreases.

●    Awareness. Because many workflows are not solved behind closed doors but in public view, employees better understand the direction of the company, its goals, and methods for achieving them.

Besides the benefits of open-concept offices for colleagues in the same company, there are many benefits for entrepreneurs and startups, as well as freelancers and small businesses when they work from a coworking space. Coworking spaces utilize the same concept, but instead of one company, they are home to many companies who work side by side.

How to Maximize the Use of Coworking Space

Proper organization of shared office space can preserve the positive properties of the room and not lose working efficiency.

1.   Divide a single space into separate zones with the help of partitions, furniture placement, and color solutions. Thus, it is possible to separate different departments from one another. A kitchen is also a great advantage in an office with a common work area.

2.   Allocate a separate area for negotiations where workers can discuss important issues and take phone calls without disturbing the others.

3.   Create a thoughtful interior office. We do not recommend using bright, variegated coloring or too many additional accessories. All these things can distract from work. Plants, on the contrary, promote productive activities and are pleasing to the eye.

4.   Place the office equipment as far as possible from the desktops. Doing so will save you from unnecessary noise and anxiety.

5.   Stipulate all the rules of conduct for employees in the office.

Rules of Conduct in an Open-Concept Office

Of course, it is impossible to eliminate all the drawbacks of the open space. However, you can minimize them significantly. To do so, create a set of rules that each employee must follow. Such a set of norms will discipline the team, which will noticeably reduce discontent with one another and create a more work-friendly environment.

Here are some rules of conduct for an open space:

●    Take personal calls in the kitchen or break room and away from coworkers.

●    Do not eat in the workspace, especially if your meal has a rich aroma.

●    Get earplugs or listen to music with headphones so as not to be distracted by other sounds.

●    Speak quietly and do not distract colleagues from work.

Nowadays, you can pretty much find shared office spaces everywhere. Do you think shared office space is the future of work? Let us know in the comments below!

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