Putting Your Health First

Man cycling

Health has become a major topic nowadays. This could be because there is such a greater level of awareness about how to manage your health thanks to the internet. Finding a balance between work and good health can be tough, especially in this age where there isn’t a clear line between work and winding down. Putting your health first sometimes requires the same level of sacrifice as it would take to work overtime or take care of your family. With that being said, continue reading to see how you can put your health first.

Squeeze in Exercise

It can seem as though there is little to no time in your daily routine for exercise, but the truth is, you can create time. Decide that exercise is a priority and commit to doing it a certain number of times a week. When your body is in good shape, you’re more likely to do better quality work. Find a few quick exercises you can do with limited amounts of time.

Cycling: If you get rid of your car a few times a week and invest in a bicycle, this is an easy way to get your exercise in. Cycling can improve your health by giving your cardiovascular system a boost. More specifically, it gives your blood vessels, heart, and lungs a good workout. Also, when you commit to cycling, it’s more difficult to avoid as it will be your primary means of getting around.

10-Minute Workout: If you were told that you could do a short workout and keep fit, you’d probably be keener than if it were going to take large chunks of time. Consider a 10-minute workout that consists of weighted skaters, a knee to elbow burpee, plank underneath crossovers, and squat with alternating leg raises.

Get Support for Your Mental Health

Did you know that when it comes to mental health, over 44 million American adults are said to have a mental health condition? This shows how important it is to look after your mind as well as your body. If you’re experiencing stress in the workplace that is triggering your mental health or you’re battling with addiction, see if your employer can help you with managed behavioral health. It’s so critical that you get the support that you need to avoid a downward spiral which could have damaging effects.

Also, learn coping mechanisms for stress, such as engaging in deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation. Using guided imagery to help you become one with your thoughts could have a relaxing effect too.

Manage Your Workload

In order to put your health first, you’ve usually got to tackle the things that are competing for first place. For many, this happens to be an overwhelming workload.

Start by breaking down your day and assessing your productivity levels. You should then be realistic about how much you can take on in a day to avoid burning yourself out. Some great technology to help keep you on track is Rescue Time which sends you weekly reports that tell you what’s zapping your time. Additionally, Toggl can help you keep track of time spent on projects and tasks.

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