5 Pro Tips for Efficient Business Travel

Airport Travel Concept

The business is running at a premium level, your clients are happy and signing deals with you faster than you can say what do you think? Staff are efficient and overall morality is at an all-time high. There’s always room for improvement though, which will ensure that things stay just the way you hope them to. Take these pro tips for efficient business travel.

1. Start simple. There’s a reason everything runs efficiently at home. That’s because you do activities consistently; there’s no reason to change that routine when travelling. If you run whilst at home do it abroad. If you eat healthy at home do the same thing abroad. If you wouldn’t ordinarily drink at a work function, then don’t change that; the business comes first.

2. Friendliness is next. If you are travelling with the same airline all the time, then no doubt you will run into some of the same staff. Get to know their names, maybe even once in a while bring something on board to share with them aside from your warm nature and personable attitude. Who doesn’t like a flight lolly?

3. Keep it light. You may have seen some unnecessary fees creeping into your overheads. How much do you pack? It is not necessary to check luggage anymore; there are countless videos on how to pack your kit, even ones that are done by ex-marines that will keep you lightweight and free from extra charges.

4. Compare, compare. If you have constantly used the same car company when you land, then that’s great for you and hopefully they provide you with a discount? If they don’t and you need some examples of a cheaper rental then have a look at EnjoyCarHire as they have deals at almost every airport in the world. There’s no reason to pay more in such a competitive market.

5. Take care of you. If you have seen there are flight delays rolling around the boards and you’ve already made it to the airport, take the opportunity to watch a season finale of your favourite show or even read that book that your partner bought you that you still haven’t started. Take the time to settle your mind, as it’s stressful waiting for something to happen. It is never the best time to do business.

Being a master traveller can be more than just how many times you have done it. Arrive in a fresh steel-minded state ready to carve the deals out that lay ahead of you. Putting all of this into your mind now will save you the heartache of losing the client on the other end.

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