Rodney Don Holder Lists 7 Benefits to Upgrading Old Technology

Technology in Business

Rodney Don Holder watches countless business owners bristle at the idea of upgrading to a new system. However, the anxiety doesn’t last very long. The reality is that tech upgrades, despite the pain of transition, significantly improve the way a business operates. Not only do processes run smoother, but employee frustrations dissolve as system upgrades alleviate day-to-day frustrations.

Here are 7 benefits to upgrading your old technology to newer versions.

1. The Learning Curve

Business owners frequently bemoan the learning curve that comes with new and updated technology. Ironically, the learning curve is often one of the healthiest experiences for everyone using the new technology. Not only that, but no technology learning curve is nearly as painful as it seems.

New technology exists to be more user-friendly than old technology. Although there are new commands or new habits to learn, the quality of new technology quickly can save everyone in the organization dozens of hours due to improved quality of life.

Additionally, the new technology learning curve nearly always increases everyone’s technical skills. This is particularly important when helping customers. Employees equipped with the latest technology are more capable, more relevant.

2. Increased Productivity

Old technology generally wastes everyone’s time with mediocre work. By contrast, new technology nearly always streamlines tedious work and increases work accuracy. Newer models of computers and technology can be up to 30-40% faster, according to Percento Technologies, which is a massive boost to productivity during a workday.

As a result, leaders find more time to manage and focus on big picture planning. Lower level staff members accomplish more in less time, delaying the need to hire extra employees to handle greater workloads.

3. Lowered Costs

Often, one new technological upgrade negates a handful of subscriptions to outdated software. Additionally, reduced man hours (due to increased productivity) mean less expense.

Rodney Don Holder adds that better work saves a business money by not having to issue refunds or peace offerings after a mistake. Tedious, but crucial tasks do not fall through the cracks in the same that they might in old technology.

4. The Cloud

If there is one thing that Rodney Don Holder is especially excited about, it’s the capabilities of cloud computing. On a computer, there is hard drive space. As the hard drive starts to get full with software and file storage, the machine experiences greater wear and tear.

Today, entire software programs run online instead of off a computer hard drive. Additionally, digital files and documents can be stored and encrypted safely online for people to access across different devices. Cloud storage software upgrades have allowed offices to scan and save all company documents online, eliminating the need for paper files and clunky filing cabinets.

Cloud services even offer e-signing and virtual notaries. Instead of chasing down a client or affiliate to sign a contract, cloud e-signing software can send these documents over email for e-signatures and safe online storage.

5. Cybersecurity

Old technology is a gold mine for hackers and identity thieves. Most businesses hold a great deal of personal identifiable information both for their employees and their clients. They think that as long as only employees can login to view these documents, everything is safe. Unfortunately, the older the technology, the more vulnerable it is to cyber attacks.

Cyber attacks can lead to losing vital client and employee information, including social security numbers and payment information. Companies have been sued and shut down after a cyber attack. New technology takes cybersecurity seriously and will do a better job of protecting company files than will old technology.

6. Mobile Device Supremacy

In today’s consumer and employee world, more than 50% of mobile users use their mobile devices far more than they use computers, according to Percento Technologies. New technology allows more mobile device usability. Project managers and employees critical to certain initiatives are better able to respond to work emergencies as they are equipped to accomplish work tasks from their smartphone or tablet.

New technology often allows employees to work remotely and still remain in contact with their manager and work team. Sales staff can accomplish more on the road when they can use their smartphone or tablet to complete their work.

Old technology serviced an age before the supremacy of mobile devices. The ability to be productive away from a company computer is restricted.

7. Remaining Competitive

Competitors are achieving greater market shares simply by upgrading their technology. They are more agile. The new technology allows them to arrive at better solutions on a faster timeline.

Businesses that want to keep up in their industry must replace outdated equipment and software sooner rather than later. Otherwise, they risk becoming as obsolete as their old technology.

Rodney Don Holder concludes that through this list, it can be seen that the benefits of upgrading old technology greatly outweigh the problems.

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