Taking Care of Your Kids While Working from Home


Working from home may intrigue you. A lot of people are interested in the idea of working from home, but they often end up chickening out. This is because there are a lot of myths about working at home that are simply not true. Here are some of them.

  • A longer period of time before making a profit or achieving business success
  • Working from home can be a bit expensive
  • It is risky not to have health insurance

However, I will tell you, none of the above are always true.

Before brushing away the idea of working from home, you should know that according to Fundera, over 3.7 million people prefer to do so, and that half of them are in telecommunications. What is it about working from home that entices so many people?

Why Is It Such a Great Idea?

Here are a few reasons from Parenting Pod as to why working from home can be beneficial for you and your family.

  • You set your own schedule
  • You can take care of your kids and the house simultaneously
  • Transportation costs are lessened
  • Helps you pursue your dreams
  • Earn a steady income

For most parents, being close to their children is the reason they work from home. This type of work is not exactly for everyone. Working with children in the home does not make the situation easier.

Top Tips to Help You Get Started While Managing Children

As children go through different phases, parents are required to adapt. If you are planning to work from home, here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Create a Schedule

Working at home means your house is also your office. You should have designated hours when to work and when to help your children with everything else.

If you are looking to achieve your goals, then a schedule will aid you greatly.

One of the best reasons for working at home is flexibility. For example, if your child is in need of your attention before you finish your “office hours,” you can place whatever it is you’re doing on hold.

You are your own boss, thus you can decide to postpone your working hours as long as is needed.

If the option is there, your partner can also be a major help.

  • Capitalize on Naptime

A lot of working parents take advantage of naptime, as this is the only chance they are able to get any quality work done.

It is the only time some parents get to focus without any interruptions.

  • Set Boundaries

All parents know that children can nag. Listening to your child whine can be very distracting, but sometimes they have to learn how to solve their own problems, so that you are not always moving back and forth.

If your children are old enough, then they should be made to understand that mom and dad cannot play when they are working.

Parents should learn to keep the roles they play as parents and as business personnel separate. If the boundaries are not placed, there is a high chance you will not accomplish your goals.

When you are working, ensure that no children are present in your designated workspace.

You might even want to dress for the occasion, to ensure that you have the right mindset. For example, some will opt to wear professional working clothes every time they are working. However, this depends on how comfortable you feel in doing so.

  • Seek Help from a Babysitter

Dealing with children requires extra help sometimes. If you think by working from home you can forego child care or babysitting, you are wrong.

If you decide to hire a babysitter, it will be easier to concentrate on your work. Making calls to clients and partners without the interference of someone shouting “Mommy!” in the background will be a big plus. You won’t want to hire a sitter all the time, just during those important times that you know you cannot compromise on.

There are some individuals who work as a group to take care of child care services. For example, a group of work-at-home parents can pool all their resources together to pay off one babysitter to take care of all their kids at the same time.

If it is possible, grandparents might be able to help.

  • Keep the Kids Entertained

Once children, especially toddlers, are spending quality time playing or watching a movie, then you can work for some time uninterrupted. You can set up playdates or movie viewings to help the kids get a bit distracted. Involving them in little activities will help them anticipate these times and have interest in doing them.

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