How to Prevent Plumbing Emergencies from Happening


Having the number of a reputable local plumbing contractor on your smartphone is one good way of being ready for plumbing emergencies. Better than being prepared, however, there are a few things that you can do to stave off or even prevent plumbing emergencies from happening. Keep in mind that some plumbing problems that can be fixed for a few dollars can become a full-blown and costly plumbing emergency if left unresolved. Here are a few easy-to-follow tips that will help prevent plumbing emergencies from happening.

Keep an Eye Out for Leaks

Leaks are one of the indicators of a plumbing emergency waiting to happen. Watermarks on the walls, ceilings or floors as well as puddles and drip marks point to a leaking pipe. The leak may be caused by a number of reasons including a loose pipe fitting or a crack somewhere along the piping system. The area around the leak and the source of the leak itself weakens over time and suddenly burst wide open. Keep an eye out for any signs of leaks. A sudden spike in your water bill may also be a sign that you have a leak somewhere. If you suspect that your piping system has leaks, have a pro do a maintenance check.

Be Careful of What You Flush Down the Toilet


The toilet bowl may appear as a good waste disposal unit for some folks. It will do you well to keep yourself from developing the habit of flushing down items that you are not supposed to. If you have been doing this for quite some time, you are begging for a plumbing emergency that can set you back a couple of hundred dollars to fix. Feminine hygiene products, diapers, dead aquarium pets and leftover food are best disposed of in the garbage bin.

Insulate Your Pipes

If you live in an area where the winter months can be harsh, winterizing your pipes should be an important part of your yearly maintenance. If you already have insulation on your pipes, inspect them prior to the onset of the winter months to check whether they need to be adjusted or replaced altogether. Turn off water to all exterior faucets via the nearest shut-off valve and then let the water run to drain off any remaining water in the pipes. This will prevent your pipes from freezing up and developing cracks.

Beware of Slow-moving Drains

Man fixing kitchen sink

A slow-moving drain should not be ignored as it can be a symptom of a bigger problem brewing somewhere deeper in your drainpipe. It is unlikely for slow-moving drains to resolve and whatever it is that is restricting the flow can turn into a full-blown blockage. You can safely try and clear your drainpipes by using a plunger or a drain snake. Unless you have intermediate plumbing skills, you should not pour any harsh chemicals down your drain as you run the risk of doing more damage. To prevent clogging, install a strainer on your kitchen sink drain and refrain from pouring grease down the drain.

Have a Pro Conduct Maintenance Checks


While this may seem as an unnecessary expense, it will be wise to have an expert check your pipes at least once a year. This will ensure that your pipes are in tip-top shape. An expert eye can also catch a potential problem that you might miss. Take advantage of any offers of a free inspection from reputable plumbing companies if your budget is tight.

Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time. It will be a good idea that you take the necessary steps to prevent them from happening and have the number of an emergency plumber on your smartphone just in case.

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