Factors That Affect Your Sleep

Tired businessman
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Sleep plays an important role in our mental and physical well-being. Try and go a night without sleep, and the following day will be ruined. If you do not get proper sleep, no black coffee will get you through the day. You will end up feeling lousy and unproductive.

When it comes to quality sleep, external and internal factors affect it. If you suffer from disturbed sleeps, knowing these factors may help you make positive changes.

Before we jump to these factors, let us shed some light on what happens when we sleep.

Our bodies come to a state of rest, thus conserving energy. The heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure start decreasing. Our bodies go into a resting state but our minds stay active.

Sleep plays an essential role in the following processes:

  • Keeps the immune system working
  • Keeps blood vessels and heart healthy
  • Controls blood glucose levels and regulates weight
  • Restores memory by controlling brain function
  • Controls temperature while conserving the energy of the body

Now that you know how sleep helps the body, let’s focus on the factors that affect it.

External Factors

1. Lighting

Lighting can make it difficult from the get-go to fall asleep and indirectly affect you by disturbing your internal clock.

The body adjusts according to changes observed in the environment. It starts to wind down when people dim the lights and it stays active when the lights are turned on.

2. Jet Lag

Light can set the internal clock. Furthermore, exposure to light can cause problems when traveling across different time zones. Jet lag causes negative effects on the body. It makes it difficult for the body to adjust to different time zones and hinders sleep patterns.

3. Environment

The environment in which we sleep may affect the quality of sleep. Factors include room temperature, lighting, noise, safety, and the comfort of the bed.

You have control over these factors. Adjust the temperature to your preference, turn off lights, and feel safe by locking the door. Regarding the comfort of the bed, you have the option to get a bed on rent in Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, or in any other metro city of India should you be traveling there.

The best thing about renting a bed is that you can try the product and keep it only if you like it. The free transport offered and easy EMIs make the entire renting process smooth.

Tired businesswoman
Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash

4. Medication

Many chemicals affect the quality of sleep. Some of these include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and more. There are many medications including anti-depressants, alpha-blockers, and beta-blockers which can disrupt sleep.

5. Shift-based Job

Shift-based jobs affect the quality of sleep the same way that jet lag does. The body clock will fail to work properly. A change in sleep times will lead to confusion in the body, which ultimately results in disturbed sleeps.

Internal Factors

1. Anxiety

Bodies respond to stress by staying awake. The same thing happens when an individual is depressed and anxious. Thus, an individual will find it difficult to sleep at night.

2. Body Aches

Certain pains including headaches, joint pain, or muscular pain cause discomfort. A person suffering from pain will struggle to get a night of quality sleep.

Final Words

Getting sound sleep is something that all of us want but only some of us can get. It helps us stay proactive and soothes our soul and body.

Now that you know about the various factors that affect sleep, start working on eliminating any disruptions to your night’s rest.

If you are having difficulty getting proper sleep, set a routine. Turn the lights off or keep them dim when trying to sleep, get a comfortable bed and mattress, and avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol before bed. If you have anxiety or related issues, consult a doctor to get medications or therapy.

If you personally have had sleep-related troubles you have overcome, feel free to share your experiences.

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