Which Aspects of the Sleeping Room Can Impact an Individual’s Quality of Sleep?

Believe it or not, your bedroom plays a crucial role in the quality of sleep that you get. There are factors that you need to take care of to create a relaxing environment during the six to nine hours of a sleeping period. Here are certain aspects that you should focus on for getting optimal rest in your bedroom.

Sleeping in darkness is crucial

Your bedroom should be able to incite that heavenly feeling and calm you down. It needs to be free from distractions to enable you to transition into sleep.

Sleeping in darkness is most recommended because the human body is designed to rest in the dark. However, if you dislike the dark, at least use soft/dim lights and keep the bright overhead lamps turned off.

New York University School of Medicine’s Associate Professor Joyce Walsleben suggests that the brain produces less of the melatonin hormone when light is detected via eyelids. If you try and sleep with the lights on, the brain might get confused and won’t produce melatonin at all. Thus, for better sleep, it is advisable to hide all electronic items that glow in the dark and wear a dark face mask that covers your eyes if required. Make sure that your bedroom windows/curtains block the moonlight and street lights completely.

According to Stanford University Psychiatry Professor William C. Dement, the human body passes through various sleep stages while asleep. Unexpected noises can disturb your sleep during some of these stages.

The sound of whipping winds, catfights in the locality, or noises made by ambulances and other vehicles can prove to be disruptive when resting. To avoid these noises, bedroom windows need to be soundproof. If you cannot afford that investment, you can merely use earplugs for the time being.

Keep the temperature lower

A drop in the body’s core temperature can drive you to sleep. Cooling down the bedroom temperature makes it easier to doze off. It is advisable to set the sleeping room’s temperature to at least 5 to 10 degrees lower than the temperature in other places.

As per Joyce Walsleben, women who experience hot flashes during menopause and individuals who prefer to use blankets when taking a nap should aim at an even lower temperature.

Keep the smartphone and TV off

University of California’s Associate Professor Dr. Gregory Marcus published a study back in 2016 that showed how a smartphone could negatively impact the quality of sleep. He pointed out that people who use their phones when sleeping at night experience poor sleep quality and require a longer period of time to get into a deep sleep.

There’s logic behind this. Smartphones emit blue light which reduces the production of melatonin and disturbs sleep-wake cycles.

The same is the case with the TV set inside the bedroom. Most TV screens emit the same blue light which negatively impacts the quality of sleep. You might feel comfortable when sleeping with the TV set on, but the quality of sleep will be weak, and you might be disturbed later on. Plus, your partner may not prefer to watch the TV show that you love.

Opt for cotton bed sheets

Using sheets made from synthetic materials can also lead to a restless poor-quality sleep as such materials trap heat. Always use pure cotton bed sheets which are soft. Before using new sheets, it is advisable to wash them with a non-perfumed, toxin-free detergent. Make sure that the bed sheets are cleaned at least once every ten days.

It has already been proven that colors can influence sleeping disorders, the level of stress, mental stability and even an individual’s mood. White can soothe your spirit and offer relaxation. So, buying white cotton bed sheets for your bedroom can be a superb option.

Declutter the bedroom

Everyone talks about keeping the kitchen clean, neat and tidy. However, even the bedroom needs to be clean and clutter-free as you strive to sleep. It doesn’t matter if your bedroom is small; decluttering it can easily make it a relaxing place.

Always keep dirty clothes in the laundry basket rather than allowing them to remain on the bedroom floor. Hang your garments in the closet properly. Use bowls and trays in the sleeping room to hold jewelry, wristwatches, glasses and books after using them.

Have less furniture

To get the best out of a small sleeping room, you can consider opting for custom furniture, like a floor-to-ceiling fitted unit. Keep minimal furniture in the space, but make sure that you have drawers to store your items and have shelves for books. A foldable bedside table is handy. The bed should be chosen according to the space availability. The room’s windows should offer natural light during the daytime.

A bed is meant for enjoying sleep and romantic time

People often end up engaging in multiple activities in their sleeping room. For better quality of rest, one must never indulge in certain things when in the space.

A study conducted by the Harvard’s Division of Sleep Medicine indicated that some young individuals often do office work with their laptop when in bed. They use their phones, chat on the phone for hours, and even allow pets to jump and play. Such activities need to be avoided. Working on forex risk management when in bed is undoubtedly not a good idea. You can do this task in the living room while watching a business channel on TV.

Lastly, never allow your pets to enter your sleeping room, no matter how close you are. Pet hair can also trigger allergies.

Wallpaper that reflects the beauty of nature

As mentioned earlier, the room should increase feelings of happiness and contentment. A good sleep is vital for any businessperson or entrepreneur. Therefore, decorate the space with attractive and calming pictures. If you are looking for suitable wallpaper for the bedroom, you should select a product that has streams, rivers, flowers, birds and other peaceful images.

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