Looking to Pursue an MBA? Go Where the Money Is!

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Those who’ve completed their MBA degrees will argue that attaining the title is less important than the quality of experience a program offers. It’s important to choose a school that fuses both academia and practical work experience seamlessly, allowing one to inform the other. Where a student chooses to study can also determine the value of their experience; ideally the program will be located in a bustling centre where candidates can apply what they learn regularly to their jobs and network with higher-ups in their respective industries.

For prospective applicants interested in pursuing their MBAs in Canada, Toronto is one of the best cities to do so in owing to its thriving business and financial culture. Those interested in receiving promotions at their workplaces or entering managerial positions in the future can complete their degrees part-time while working full time. This form of study is accessible thanks to the flexible programs offered by institutions like the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics. Candidates can choose an alternating weekend MBA that offers them summers off and enables them to complete the program within 3 years. Those in accounting can also earn their CPA designation in tandem with their Masters, and those in finance can earn a double MBA and MFin all while remaining employed to help offset tuition costs.

By pursuing a part time MBA program at Lazaridis near Bay street, in the Sun Life Financial building downtown, candidates are further exposed to the inner workings of some of the country’s top finance and business entities. Major banks like RBC, CIBC, Scotiabank and TD all have their national headquarters along the strip, as do their associated investment entities. Top life insurance companies and accounting firms also have their head offices in the vicinity, making pursuing a career in the area while attending class simple.

For those with aspirations to find entry level positions with these companies, remaining plugged into the industry is key, and there’s no better way than immersing oneself in the local atmosphere. They should attend functions, corporate parties, assemblies and conventions; they must do their research and get insider knowledge on the current financial climate or knowledge regarding their desired employer’s business strategy. Networking while pursuing the degree will give candidates the biggest leg up on the competition, and when it comes time to interview for a junior position, their faces and names will already sound and look familiar to prospective bosses.

Where a degree is offered, the career opportunities made available to candidates while they pursue their degrees is crucial for preparing them to work in their industries, and propelling them forward toward success. Pursuing an MBA degree part-time in a metropolitan area like Toronto, with access to top players in the field, will give candidates more than knowledge, but essential practise, connections and presence. Landing the job is equally influenced by whom one knows as well as what one knows, therefore choosing a program that reflects this reality will do more for graduates in the long run.

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