Working from Home: Increasing Productivity with Décor 

Attractive home office

When you work from home, it can sometimes be difficult to be productive. With the TV meters away, screaming kids in the background and a kettle that’s itching to be boiled, distractions can get the better of you and it can feel impossible to get anything done. However, you’ll find that it’s much easier to be productive when you have your own home office that’s decorated to your taste. In fact, décor can improve productivity — if you pick the right things. So, how can you improve your productivity with décor?

Motivational signs

When you’re working from home, sometimes it can be difficult to see the bigger picture. In a bustling office environment, you’ll constantly be reminded of the work you need to do and why. Working from home can make you feel detached, and therefore lacking in motivation to get anything done. However, if you put some motivational signs on the wall, like those from My Safety Sign, you’ll be able to stay focused.

Pick a good color

You may not know it, but colors can have a huge influence on our mood. Therefore, you should think carefully about the color of your office, and pick the one that might increase your productivity. Blue, for example, helps people to feel calm and focused, whereas red is associated with energy. Whatever you pick, make sure it doesn’t feel too dark or oppressive, as this won’t encourage you to work. Make sure you like the color too — you won’t want to work in an office if the color isn’t appealing to you, whether it’s supposed to be calming or not.


Plants have lots of excellent qualities. Not only do they brighten a room and look lovely, but plants also help to increase productivity. This is because they make people feel calmer and more relaxed. Why is this? Perhaps because of the way they clean the air and reduce the amount of chemicals. Or possibly it’s something simpler, like being reminded of the outdoors when we’re stuck inside working. Whatever it is, putting a plant or two in your home office will increase your productivity — and you’ll have to go in there to water it, too.

Natural light

Unless you’re secretly a bat, you probably don’t enjoy sitting in the dark. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your home office has plenty of windows that let in natural light. Getting enough natural light is important and has many health benefits including boosting our vitamin D and reducing the likelihood of seasonal depression. So, pull the drapes back and let the sun work its magic.


Whilst it’s nice to add a few personal touches to your home office, the key to productivity is to keep it minimal. If your office is full of clutter, you’ll feel overwhelmed and stressed. Remember that the purpose of your office is to work — not to display heaps of your kid’s artwork or host a pile of laundry. Those can have a place elsewhere, where all the family is welcome.

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