Pacific Collection Group Discusses the Benefits of Their New Software

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Debt collectors are always looking for ways to make it easier to recoup the money owed to their clients. Debt collectors need to be organized, fair, and ready to combat a wide variety of problems that may occur during the process. When a debt collector needs a software solution to this issue, Pacific Collection Group is ready to help. Its new software is capable of enhancing the efficiency of any debt collection agency.

Hosted Online

Rather than requiring the installation of the software on many devices owned by the company, the debt collection software is hosted in the cloud online. This means that debt collection agencies have a more agile presence and can use their software from anywhere.

Organization Is a Must

This powerful software has the capability to organize the activities of a debt collector, providing support for record-keeping, tracking funds, client and debtor contacts, and integration with the major credit reporting bureaus of Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

Compliance with Regulations

The importance of compliance in the debt industry cannot be overstated. Federal and state laws govern the activities of debt collection firms. These regulations should not be ignored, as non-compliance will result in financial penalties as well as the loss of reputation of the debt management firm. The software has the potential to keep track of all debtor interactions to make sure that they are above-board at all times.

Proper Recordkeeping

Having dedicated software makes it much easier for debt collection firms to keep track of their clients’ money. Proper recordkeeping means that there will be a digital trail for every interaction with the client and with the debtor.

If there are any questions about whether an interaction was legal, it is much easier to present an established record than to rely on handwritten notes and journals in different computer platforms. Centralizing all of a company’s debt collection activities is a good choice for all firms.

Creative Solutions to Debt Problems

The software produced by Pacific Collection Group is able to provide unique and creative solutions to debt collection problems. While using new techniques, debt collectors will be able to get more of a return on their investment of time and employee effort. The debt collection team at each company can work on their own, or they can outsource the entire process to the Group. Skilled professionals will be able to help any company recover their investments.

Reduces Overhead

Using this software will reduce a company’s overhead. With the use of dedicated software, the number of people you will need to deal with debt collection could be reduced. The company will need less technical support since the software is so easy to use, and the company will benefit in many other ways as well.

Assistance with Audits

Debt collection firms are often audited by intermediaries, which can be an expensive hassle. Using the Group’s software will help a company produce accurate records quickly. This transparency will help any company to comply with an audit, making the process much easier and less prone to problems.

Increased Cash Flow

Companies that use the Group’s software have a healthier cash flow situation. When they are able to keep up with all of the situations that result in lower cash flow, companies can use their money to support the key fundamentals of their business rather than spending time searching for money spent on past activities.

Help with Legal Collections

The software can also help companies with debt collection problems handle legal collections. If they have been awarded a settlement in a court case but have not been able to recoup their money, they may have an easier time presenting their case if the information is better-organized.

Providing a Better Financial Future

When companies use the new debt collection software from Pacific Collection Group, they will find that they need fewer employee hours to recoup larger sums of money from debtors. Having the software is a big advantage for debt collection firms, as well as debt collection departments within larger firms. Using this software can streamline the process of debt collection, as well as keeping records more organized for the best results.

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