Investments That Make the Office Environment More Productive

Four businesspeople in office

If you’re looking to boost productivity within the business, you can start by improving your office environment. Did you know that the layout and the comfort within the office can have a direct impact on how productive your employees are?

Here, we’ll look at some of the top investments you can make which will produce a more productive office environment.

Adequate lighting

The lighting in an office can either help or hinder productivity. For example, studies have shown that inadequate and fluorescent lighting can play havoc on an employee’s health. Not only can it make it difficult to see properly, but poor lighting can also cause physical problems too, such as headaches.

If you want to foster a more productive environment, you’ll want to aim to introduce as much natural lighting into the office as possible. This can include installing larger windows, making use of glass partitions and even installing blinds rather than curtains.

Flexible working space

Modern offices are taking advantage of flexible working spaces. Rather than having the standard cubicles that offices used to incorporate into their design, instead you’ll want to add collaborative spaces too.

These are spaces where employees can come together and bounce their ideas off one another. They provide numerous benefits, including encouraging teamwork, enhancing motivation and boosting productivity. As well as having a designated area for collaboration, you’ll also want to invest in equipment such as shared networks, digital printing, and ergonomic furniture.


If your employees aren’t comfortable, they aren’t going to be as productive as they could be. So, when looking at ways to improve the office environment, you’ll definitely want to focus on comfort.

Ideally, the temperature of the room should be warm. There’s a common misconception that the warmer the room, the less productive employees will be. The truth is, warmer rooms are known to encourage productivity. The only exception to this would be in the hot summer months, where air conditioning should definitely be provided.


In order to be productive, the brain needs consistent nourishment. Providing your workers with free refreshments can help to fuel their brains, leading to additional productivity. A water cooler can help to keep them hydrated, while free fruit can help maintain good energy levels. These healthy refreshments can also improve your employees’ health, which can ultimately result in fewer sick days, further boosting productivity.

Many businesses are surprised at just how easy it is to improve productivity by altering their office environment. No matter what your budget, there’s a tip above you can utilise to foster better productivity within your workers. The initial investments you make will be returned significantly, as boosting productivity will ultimately boost your bottom line.

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