In Search for a Good Office Place? Here Are Some Tips That Might Help

Modern office
Photo by Alesia Kazantceva on Unsplash

Every owner of a company comes to a situation where he or she needs to think about getting some office space. Regardless if you are looking to relocate your business or you just started a new one, getting one isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

For the sake of this article, let’s say that you are looking to lease office space in Regina. Leasing the space is one thing, but what other things should you consider?


The first thing to consider is the size of the office that you’ll need. The size will depend on several factors. The most important one is the number of employees. Determine how much space each employee would occupy base on the size of the desk and the working environment. Next, you need to determine what additional rooms you’ll need. So, if you work with clients, you should have a reception or waiting room. Do you intend to have a cafeteria? How big do you want the relaxing room to be? Do you intend to make expansions shortly? The answers to these questions will help you decide how big of an office you’ll need.


Location is a tough decision which can go both ways. Also, there are no right and wrong for choosing the location. Several factors come into play here. Most business owners that work directly with clients will opt for an office location in the city center. That, in return, might mean that the rent will be higher, so you should consider both of these and find a middle ground. You should also consider how long it would take you and your team members to get from home to the office. Getting an office too far will increase travel expenses and will take more time to get there. In some cases, it might cost you team members that aren’t too comfortable with the distance.

Going for an office in the center also means slightly better security than an office in a less frequent and shady part of the city. That means that a chance for a robbery is slightly higher, so consider that as well.

Another important aspect of the location of the office is public transport. Bigger cities where people get stuck in traffic for hours during their daily commute usually have public transportation. This can be applied to your employees and clients, which means that they won’t always use their car to get to your office.


Speaking of cars, you should see if the office you are leasing comes with parking spaces. If there are, see how many. Always make sure to have more space than you and your employees. That way your clients have a place to park their cars. It is also important to see if there is an accessible parking spot.

Handicapped access

Having an accessible parking spot usually means that the building has handicapped access. You should also check if the handicapped access extends throughout the building – anywhere that an employee or client with a physical disability might need to go. Some office buildings only provide an entrance for disabled people so you might need to make some changes to your office to make it handicapped-friendly.

Monthly costs

On the financial side, you should consider the monthly costs of keeping the office running. You need this information to be able to make calculations for your budget. Ideally, you would be able to get access to bills from previous tenants in that office so that you can get an estimation. Bear in mind that the prices you see in the bills might not be the same as the ones that you’d be getting, but it should be enough for an estimation.


Picking the right office for you and your company isn’t something that you can do in an afternoon. It takes a lot of research and before you start looking for a new office, make sure to follow this guide so that you pick the best office for your needs.

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