Fresh Scandinavian Design: Give Your Home Office a Touch of It

Home Office
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

If you are currently working from home or planning to start doing so,  keep in mind that very particular conditions would be conducive to your success with this endeavor. For example, you naturally do not want too many distractions from your work. You also do not want a workspace that looks boring. Fortunately, implementing Scandinavian design in your home office enables you to tick both of these particular boxes.  Here are just a few ways to infuse your work-from-home space with distinctively Scandinavian design.

Declutter Your Space

As minimalism is at the heart of Scandinavian design, take a close look at your home office for signs of things to either get rid of or simply tidy away. For example, let’s say your job entails you generating large amounts of paperwork. Then neatly store a lot of that in drawers built into your computer workstation. In addition, there are possibly certain things that are currently littering your home office but rarely needed in practice. Consider putting those pieces in the loft for now.

Choose Popular Scandinavian Design Colors

Naturally, before you buy office decor in these colors, know what they are. As the Scandinavia Standard website explains: “The most used Scandinavian colors are neutral and monochromatic — bright, warm whites with black and tan and with pops of color added used as accents.” The site continues: “Plush pinks, grey-blues, and colors rooted in nature — like sage — are the most popular in Scandinavian design.”

Complement the Crispness of Scandinavian Design with a Rustic Accent

Given how white and tidy a Scandinavian-designed room can look, it starts reminding you a little too much of a dentist’s waiting room if you aren’t careful. Hence, you might want to throw in a few rustic elements just to contrast with the otherwise clinical tone your home office could otherwise inadvertently bring.

Building Inspiration recommends to have “open shelves made from reclaimed wood.” Moreover, if a dining table currently doubles as your work table, attach some dining table legs made of raw steel.

Add Some Greenery to Your Indoor Space

This is also easier than you might think. Grow a mini herb garden on a sunny windowsill or place one or two plants on your work desk. Either approach helps to instill calmness in you even when you are chasing a tough deadline.

Niki Brantmark, founder of the blog My Scandinavian Home, enthuses to Real Simple: “I like either a snake plant or a ZZ plant. Both look lovely, are good for cleaning the air, and are low maintenance!”

Opt for Sustainable Decor, Too 

Many designers already have. For example, they utilize such natural and sustainable materials as rattan, sisal, hemp, jute and plywood for the creation of interior pieces. When shopping for such pieces, you could buy, for instance, a braided sisal rug to give the room texture. Or buy a jute basket for use as storage. Also, consider buying upcycled and recycled products to further enhance your eco-friendly home office while minimizing your carbon footprint.

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