How to Create an Eco-Friendly Home Office

Working from home is wonderful. And one of the more fun and creative aspects of remote work is designing your home office. But if you want to reduce your impact and save energy, it’s imperative that you integrate eco-friendly features into this space.


The Way to an Eco-Friendly Home Office

If you have a home office, you probably spend more time in this room than any other room in the house. Whether it’s 8, 10, or 12 hours per day, the amount of time you spend in your home office means you should be paying careful attention to how you can make it greener. Start by considering the following:

1. Purchase Green Office Equipment and Supplies

A lot of innovation has happened in the office equipment and supplies industry. There are now cost-effective green options available for most standard products – including furniture, electronics, paper, and more. If you can, try to purchase green products that have been made from recycled materials or other sustainable sources.

When it comes to furniture, buying used is best. Not only will this save you hundreds or thousands of dollars, but it also ensures you aren’t adding to your local landfill.

2. Practice Energy-Saving Habits

Your daily habits directly affect the total amount of energy your home office uses. By tweaking some of your processes and following energy-saving habits, you can lower your consumption in pretty tangible ways.

According to belairdirect, you should turn off your printer and computer speakers whenever they aren’t in use, and turn off your computer and all attached devices at the end of the day (and on weekends). These are simple little things that add up over the course of the month and year to produce sizeable savings.

3. Recycle Printer Cartridges and Paper

Tossing empty ink cartridges into the trashcan is irresponsible and dangerous. The remaining ink and other chemicals used in the product seep into the ground and have a detrimental impact on the earth.

Thankfully, it’s quite easy to recycle printer cartridges. Most major home office supply stores will take your old cartridges when you purchase new ones – and some will even give you a discount as a courtesy. There are also recycling programs that benefit various charities, and refilling your cartridge with a company that specializes in the process is also an option.

4. Use a Room with Lots of Natural Light

If you’re in a room without windows, LED bulbs are always preferred to incandescent bulbs. However, if at all possible, try to use a room with large windows. The more you can rely on natural light, the less energy you have to consume. Natural light also has a positive impact on productivity, which is obviously another advantage.

5. Bring The Outdoors Inside

Aside from the aesthetic benefits of having plants in the office, did you know that there are a number of advantages related to eco-friendliness and health?

“Plants cool by a process called transpiration, which, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, decreases air temperature in offices by ten degrees,” Plant Culture Inc. explains. “A recent study out of Washington State University demonstrates that plant transpiration in an office environment releases moisture, creating a humidity level exactly matching the recommended human comfort range of 30-60%.” You can also add recommended equipment that can help manage the humidity.

Greenify Your Workspace

Green is the color of money and prosperity, but it’s also the color of sustainability. In order to make your office an eco-friendly room that gives more than it takes, make some positive changes in the coming months. Not only will you notice a difference in monthly energy bills, but you’ll also feel better about what you’re doing.

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