A Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Home Office

Spring Cleaning Your Home Office
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Synonymous with renewal and rejuvenation, spring is the time to clear out the chaos that accumulated over winter. This means it’s time for spring cleaning your home office. All those days, curled up at your desk fighting out the cold with snacks, warm drinks and hot food, scrunching up paper to put in the bin later so you don’t have to move.

Now that spring is returning, it’s time to remove the evidence of the messy and harsh winter.

Decluttering and Organising

Whether your home office is for personal or professional use, keeping it organised is a top priority and the best way to start is by clearing out the clutter.

When spring cleaning your home office, keep an eye out for rubbish, broken office supplies, old paperwork, etc. Anything you don’t need or use that can be donated, recycled, or binned responsibly, get rid of it.

From there, make sure to put everything in its rightful place. Files into a filing cabinet, stationary into a drawer, pens and pencils into a pot. Do anything to keep your office and desk tidy from clutter. Consider a cable organiser too if your cables are constantly getting tangled up.

It isn’t just the physical workplace that you need to declutter though. You should give your digital space a tidy too; delete unnecessary files and emails, organise your folders, and remember to back up any important data.

Doing this will immediately make your home office look and feel tidier, helping you work out what areas you need to focus on next. Remember an organised desk makes for a more productive environment!

Spring Cleaning Your Home Office

When it comes to cleaning your space, you’ll want to start by dusting. Grab a cloth or a duster and start at the top, working your way down. Wipe down the corners where the ceiling and wall join (you may find cobwebs), as well as the light fixtures. Don’t forget to pay attention to your blinds or curtains and windowsills.

Dust and dirt can accumulate on your electronics over time too; this can hinder their performance and longevity. You should take the time to safely clean your computer, keyboard, and mouse using compressed air and electronic-safe cleaning solutions. Don’t forget to wipe down your monitor and screen with a microfibre cloth to remove smudges and fingerprints.

When you’re spring cleaning your home office furniture, whether it be wiping away dust or vacuuming up debris from your chair, check how worn or outdated your furniture looks. It might be worth investing in new pieces or even restoring them yourself as a small DIY project with a fresh coat of paint or varnish.

Give Your Floors Some Attention

If you have wooden flooring in your office, then you should give them a vacuum or sweep before mopping it. Just make sure to use very little water to prevent any warping or damage to your floors. This is the same with laminate flooring.

Luxury vinyl tiles and engineered wood flooring follow the same cleaning rules, however, they’re less susceptible to water damage.

With carpet you just need to vacuum it – making sure to get into all the corners and beneath furniture. If you’re interested in doing a deep clean, consider hiring or buying a carpet cleaner.

Spring Cleaning Your Home Office

With your home office looking tidy and organised, you might notice how bare it looks. Consider adding decorations, preferably personal ones such as photographs or meaningful mementos. You could add a touch of nature through fresh flowers, potted plants or even succulents. Something to bring the room together and to life.

You should keep a consistent cleaning schedule too. This allows you to keep your home office tidy and when it comes time to give it another deep clean, it won’t be as much of a hassle.

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