Podcast: Grow Your Business with the Likeability Factor

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Michael Katz Photo

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Interview with Michael Katz, Award-Winning Marketing Consultant & Humorist

Special Link for Home Business Magazine Listeners: http://michaelkatz.com/homebusinessmag

Since every industry is filled with experienced, capable people, standing out from the crowd – particularly if you live in a word-of-mouth world as most professionals do – is as much a function of being well-liked as it is of being good at what you do. Prospects have trouble discerning who’s objectively better; they have no problem determining who they trust and feel comfortable with. So what can home-based business owners do to make a better connection?

In this episode of Home Business Radio, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview Michael Katz, an award-winning humorist and former corporate marketer, and founder of Blue Penguin Development. Michael recently published The Likeable Expert: 121 Insights to Start Your Day and Grow Your Business – in which he focuses quite a bit on the topic of likeability and its value in business, and he shares his insight with our audience.

Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

* What he means by likeability
* Why likeability matters
* Why “likeability has more upside than capability”
* Some examples of what people can do to make themselves more likeable
* Why people don’t use likeability more in their marketing
* The biggest mistakes people make in trying to be more likeable in business

Michael has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Business Week Online, Forbes.com, Inc.com, USA Today, and other media. He is the author of four books, and has published more than 400 issues of “The Likeable Expert Gazette,” a twice-monthly email newsletter and podcast with 6,000 passionate subscribers in over 40 countries around the world. Michael has an MBA from Boston University and a BA in Psychology from McGill University in Montreal.

So tune in and discover how to become more likeable and make business connections (and friends!) and build your business.

Episode Sponsor: Global Venture Services * www.workparttimelivefulltime.com

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