Top 3 Tips to Creating and Optimizing Your Site with a Website Builder

Building a site may sound difficult but it doesn’t have to be. Today, you can find ready-to-go website themes that can be used as-is, or a variety of customization, design, integrations, and applications. How to choose the right website builder comes down to what you want your brand to reflect and how user-accessible it is. In this article, you will get the top tips for crafting a customized and optimized website with a website builder.


Tip # 1: Choose and Set Up Your Domain and Hosting 

1. The first step in creating a site is choosing a domain name. In your website builder, you should find domain settings that offer a free SSL certificate. An SSL certificate means your information is encrypted, allowing secure connections between a web server and a browser.

2. Make sure your domain can be located with or without the “www” so your visitors can find and browse whether they enter the “www” or not. You want to be as reachable as possible, so people can find you, stay, and purchase your products or services.

3. You also want to choose a website builder that will allow you to connect multiple domains so you can increase your visibility. The more visible you are online, the more visitors you can drive to your site.

4. Web hosting means your site is accessible via the World Wide Web. This is imperative if you want a successful site that people can find. Designing a site is great but without uploading it to a server your site won’t be accessible. Choose free web hosting with a reliable server like Google Cloud.

Domain App

Tip #2: Overall Design and UX

1. Design and UX do affect your ranking if done properly. Make sure your design reflects your brand and vision while being completely responsive and optimized for SEO. The goal is a good-looking site that attracts, engages, and creates loyal return customers.

2. Personalize your site by using drag and drop options to select a design, UX and other features that will make an impression on your visitors. Remember your site should be as optimized as possible.

3. Always choose a template that is set up to meet your industry need. For example, if you have a retail store, be sure to have an e-commerce template, as it already has the features you need to set up your store quickly. From showcasing products to checkout, make sure you have everything you need.

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Using a website builder is a fun and easy way to get the look and user-friendly experience you want your visitors to enjoy. Get a domain that is web-hosted with a reliable host like Google Cloud and that can be found with or without the “www”. Pick a theme that is completely responsive and optimized for SEO so your site ranks and brings you tons of relevant traffic.

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