Choosing Effective Domain Names for a Website

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Depositphotos 86808314 m 2015 e1504707587251

With the popularity of the internet reaching its zenith, there has been a spurt of innumerable websites wanting to encash in on the same. This has given rise to the concept of naming a domain to make it reflect the ideas and ideologies involved in the business. In fact today the domain name has acquired the same status as a brand name. It acts as the online image of the company and thus needs to be named using effective and efficient strategies.

Points to remember when naming

Some important points to keep in mind when naming a website domain are:

  • It should be easy to spell and pronounce since only then will it be remembered and it should be typed easily into the browser like BrandableHQ.
  • It should evoke positive thoughts which might or might not be relevant to the actual contents of the website. But when a domain name brings a positive image in the minds of the viewer, it increases his curiosity with regards to the website concerned.
  • The domain name chosen should help to reinforce the concept or the vision and mission of the website concerned. In case the domain name does not sync in with the website contents, it results in dissonance and negatively affects the viewer’s cognitive processes.
  • Short domain names have a greater impact than ones which are long because they are easier to spell type and remember.
  • Domain names which are unique like BrandableHQ also incite curiosity. In fact similar sounding domain names will invariably make the person open a competitor’s website; thereby ensuring a loss of a customer.
  • Linguistic traps refer to those words which have different meanings in different languages. Some words might also have negative meanings in different languages which again tend to confuse the visitor and should thus be absolutely avoided.

Domain name selection

Domain name selection was never an easy process. In fact today with a lot of domain names already taken, it becomes increasingly difficult day by day to get a good website name. But there are some ways and means which might just be able to provide the perfect name like:

  • Using domain name generators

This is a bulk-search tool which makes it very easy to find the perfect domain name by:

*Coming up with unique phrases and keywords.
*Searching for the perfect domain name takes a lot of less time.

  • Domain name brokerages

Herein unique domain names can be purchased and sold as per the requirement of the customer. Even though the fees might seem to be on the higher side, the returns garnered by naming the domain perfectly justify the fees paid.

  • Domain name expiry services

Every day thousands of people are registering domain names for their businesses and forgetting about them. These domain names tend to expire after a certain length of time if they are not used or renewed properly again. There are some websites which specialise in catching these expired domain names and selling them off thereby giving rise to a specialised service known as the domain name expiry services. These domain names are sold off to the customer who bids the highest for it.

Since the domain name has a great brand value, it makes financial, practical and business sense to opt for one which will yield the desired results. Thus they should be chosen with utmost care and after careful deliberation.

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