How Gamification Can Help Your Blog or Website Blow Up

Is your blog or website not quite getting the sort of interactions and clicks you were hoping for? Is your site a little tired and in need of some tender loving care and innovation?

Well, one of the ways you can cover all these bases in one go is by introducing gamification strategies and highlights.

Here are some of the best tried-and-tested gamification tips that will have your site racing up the charts in no time and increase your business’s online footfall to boot.

Candies in a Heart
Rewards can come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Image by silviarita from Pixabay.

Rewards and Leveling

There are some websites out there like Honey or oddschecker that are packed with bonuses and all kinds of incentives to either stick around on the site itself or click through to a product page.

However, this does not always mean you have to have a whole bunch of real-life prizes tucked up your sleeve. Simply introduce a tier or leveling system that rewards loyalty and you will soon reap your own rewards.


While people appreciate being rewarded with level-ups and star badges, the one thing that really gets all humans going is competition, with many people unable to resist competing no matter what is at stake.

A leaderboard on your site is the perfect way to harness that desire, with site visitors vying against each other for that number one spot, even if there is very little to actually play for.

Image by eslfuntaiwan from Pixabay.


Not only are quiz games fun for your users to play, but also they are a great way to drive user interaction, with really smart quizzes gently nudging people towards making a purchase or a financial commitment.

Pit friends against each other and encourage them to challenge the people around them to your quiz. Before you know it, your site’s traffic will resemble an eight-lane motorway at rush hour.

Games Themselves

Of course, the most obvious way to bring gamification to your site is to embed something that people would classically view as a game.

There are plenty of sites out there offering up games of all varieties, such as Playzgame and Miniclip, with the latter having everything from eight ball pool to zombie survival games on offer. Simply copy the code for a game that fits the theme or subject matter you want and then embed it in your site.

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