Online Mistakes: What Not to Do with Your New Business

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Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels

First and foremost, if you have already taken the jump, then a huge congratulations is in order.

After all, starting a business is no small feat, and your mind can be plagued with reports about all of the companies who fail during those first few months.

It would be fair to say that the landscape has changed considerably from what it was several years ago, as well. Back then, it was all about bricks-and-mortar, and anyone who had even considered a website was in something of an elite group.

Well, nowadays at least, if you don’t have a website you are at a huge disadvantage. It’s considered an absolute basic requirement, although as we all know the internet is something that some business owners will struggle to get their heads around.

This is the reason behind our post today and we will now mull over some of the most common online mistakes that are made when it comes to building that elusive internet presence.

You don’t invest in “free” traffic

Of course, nothing in the world is free. But out of all of the marketing channels you can invest in, it would be fair to say that the most cost-effective comes in the form of search engine optimization.

It’s getting tougher to gain clicks, but at the same PPC costs are increasing. It means that turning to an SEO consultancy Fulham has to offer should be high on your priorities and allow you to gain traffic to your website at a fixed cost.

You don’t update your website

As we’ve already alluded to, a website is part of the bare minimum for the vast majority of new companies out there.

However, one of the principle mistakes is leaving this website to rot. Sure, you might not be an ecommerce site and this means that you’ll be updating your content less than those that operate in such a space. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean to say that you can’t update your site in other ways, whether it’s by having the latest prices, or even opening hours over the current year’s holiday period.

Without these updates, you’ll immediately signal to users that you don’t really care about your website and they are less likely to convert.

You waste your time with social media

First and foremost, we’re by no means suggesting that you should ignore social media. After all, this is an important weapon in your online plan of attack.

Instead, we’re referring to what you shouldn’t be doing with social media. Don’t post pictures of your pet, or anything else that’s completely unrelated to your business. Do this, and you’ll not only confuse users, but you’ll be wasting your own time. There’s no ROI on activities such as the above.

You don’t have a mobile website

Hopefully, with all of the free web templates that are now available, this is less of a concern. However, just to put it out there, if you’re going live without a mobile website you are asking for trouble. It will annoy your users, and also penalize any hopes you have of appearing in Google’s search results.

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