Four Questions to Ask Before Moving into a Shared Office Space


If you work from home or have a dynamic start-up consisting of a remote team, then you are probably not a stranger to the solitary feelings that can lower productivity juices. Frequenting that chic coffee shop around the corner gives you some simulation. However, you may want a more professional, dedicated space solution that provides you with more than an overdose of caffeine and annoying traffic noise. Shared office spaces or co-working spaces are becoming more popular amongst freelancers, entrepreneurs, and even large organizations — thanks to their numerous benefits. Here is a recommended reading that helps you familiarize yourself with the various advantages of moving into a shared office space.

If you are considering moving out of your home office or letting your team meet creative and like-minded people, shared office space is a good option to try. That said, before you rent out a co-working space, here are a few questions to ask yourself and the provider to determine if this is the right space for you or your team.

1. What Am I Looking For?

First off, consider the type of shared office space you need. Start by deciding which coworking space you need depending on your needs and preferences.

  • Open/Conventional Space

This is the most common type of shared office space and is what most people think of when talking about co-working space. It focuses more on a collaborative and open working environment. An open space does not necessarily offer the privacy that other types of spaces offer, but it creates more networking opportunities and ignites a cooperative and innovative spirit.

  • Private Space

Private space in a co-working hub is more suitable if you want a more private area with a lockable door or on a private floor where your team collaborates. Still, they want several co-working benefits like a shared kitchen, breakout space, and an all-around community vibe.

  • Niche Specialized

A niche shared office space caters to specific demands or industries. Law firms, healthcare providers, creatives, and other specialized professionals favor this novel type of shared office space since the environment tailors to their specific needs. They may provide more customization and privacy depending on the nature of the specific industry the co-working space serves.

  • Fancy Space

This type of space embodies the motto “work hard, play harder.” It features modern amenities such as food courts, fancy furniture, recreational hubs, a game area, and so much more. Thus, it tends to attract youngsters, freelancers, and other creative professionals.

  • Professional Space

The design of professional shared office space takes corporate pragmatism in mind. This space may allow you to receive clients at the office. Thus, it features design and aesthetics that offer a professional, corporate vibe.

2. Is It Economical?

The cost is always a significant deciding factor. Spending a day at your local cafe writing your digital marketing strategy might be nice. However, doing it every day for a week may not be that easy in your pocket.

If you are a freelancer or remote employee who wants a dedicated working space other than your home office, then consider the cost of renting out a shared office space. Fortunately, there are co-working spaces with flexible renting options.

If you have a team of creatives who need to collaborate face-to-face, then consider various plans that your team can subscribe to depending on the frequency of their visits. So, make sure to compare prices offered by shared office space, and determine which fits your budget accordingly. Enjoy the perks of shared office spaces now.

Business Person

3. Whom Are You Sharing It With?

Since it is a shared office space, also consider who the current occupants are. Determine if these individuals can help you in terms of business or career development. Unless you choose a niche co-working space, you are likely to share the space with all kinds of professionals.

Knowing whom you are sharing the space with gives you an idea of the vibe and energy of the space. Consider the type of people that you want your team to be associated with.

Also, take note that you will be around these people several times a week. So, feeling comfortable around them should be one of your considerations.

4. Where Is It Located?

Location is one of the most important aspects to consider. After all, you do not want to waste precious time on a longer commute instead of checking one task on your list.

Most shared office spaces are located in urban areas. This makes it great for those living downtown but unsuitable for employees living in the suburbs. In addition to how you are going to get there, also consider if it can be easily located for meetings with clients.

Take Away on Shared Office Space

There is no denying the numerous benefits of shared office space. Nonetheless, you only capitalize on those benefits by picking the right space. So, think hard about your current and future needs as well as how this space affects your daily life.

By keeping the questions mentioned above in mind, you can find the right shared office space that allows you or your team to be more productive and to improve overall satisfaction.

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