Best Tips for Working More Efficiently from Home

Home Office
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Due to the fantastic progress of technology and Internet over the last 20 years, it seems like the whole world is moving online. So, more and more people can work from home, and they do it especially these weeks when almost half of the world’s population is in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, what do we find online? Well, almost everything: social media, online newspapers and stores, online shopping, online payment, online TV, movies, games and music, online finance and online gambling. For example, Kindred Group is one of the world’s leading online gambling operators with business across Europe, America, and Australia, offering over 25 million customers across 11 brands—Unibet is the flagship—and employs about 1,600 people at the moment.

Speaking of employment, being online and working from home is not just a trend now; it is the way businesses and individuals adapted over these past years, so the business code and attitude towards work is moving indoor to private places.

This being said, what are the best tips for working efficiently from home?

Plan the workflow

Planning your workflow is the first thing to do. This should not be something new, given that most people do it at the office or wherever their workplace is, but having to work in a friendly environment with plenty of things to distract you all around may require thorough planning.

You will have to bear in mind the priorities and how much time will be needed for them, but also what to do with the extra time (if that happens). The best time for planning may be the day before—either just after finishing the workday or along the way, or just before sleep, so you can take away any stress which may come with it.

Stay connected with your colleagues

Working from home does not mean no socialization whatsoever. Staying in contact with the colleagues is rewarding both professionally and personally, so that is a “task” to strongly consider when working in a social environment. The limits between professional and personal have to remain the same, but you will find it helpful to have some short chats and check-ins with the people you used to anyway.

Work from home, work alone

Even though we encouraged you before to keep in touch with your colleagues, that is because you already did that in the working hours. So, keep it as a working day and try to be efficient by interacting as little as possible with the kids, the spouse or the partner, the roommate, other members of the family, or the pets. Working from home still means working, and any interaction outside of work could distract you.

Have regular working hours and separate work time from personal time

As mentioned above, the working time is important, but so is personal time. No overtime at all would be great, keeping in mind that the business day ends at the same time from home. Burnout is also a risk in a friendly and personal environment, and commitments to private life must be fulfilled, nonetheless. So, have a regular schedule and stick to it—not too severe, but not too flexible either, and allow yourself to have all the short breaks that you need. Hint: working from home enables you to program the workflow accordingly following the parts of the day with the highest productivity.

Create the proper workplace

Setting up an office at home does a lot for the productivity, but is also more comfortable and much better for the body. As appealing as it may seem, working from the couch, the bed, or from other positions may not be such a good idea in the long term. Just find yourself a proper place and organize all the necessities there, making it a good place to work from home.

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