4 Must-Do Manufacturing Business Hacks for Growth and Success

Businessman using smartphone while having lunch

Starting a business can be exciting, rewarding, and also very difficult. This is true for every industry and niche, especially when it comes to starting a manufacturing business. Manufacturing is certainly an industry with potential with more products being made in North America than overseas.

“According to advocacy group Reshoring Initiative, the number of jobs being reshored by U.S. companies has increased more than tenfold since 2010,” Evan Comen said in a USA Today article. “Each company has its own reasons for consolidating manufacturing operations in the United States, and the number of jobs and size of investment involved in the reshoring projects also vary by company.”

If you have plans to launch a manufacturing business in the very near future, it is important to understand a few hallmarks of manufacturing success. To help, we compiled a few essential hacks you can utilize for maximum growth and success. Let’s dive in!

1. Put Your Best Foot Forward With Strong Branding

Taking a strategic approach to branding can be a bonus when it comes to launching your manufacturing business. Why? Chances are, you will be going up against competitors with a very established name and foothold in the niche you plan on manufacturing in. To have a fighting chance, your branding needs to be very strong.

It is all about your brand image. For instance, begin publishing industry articles about the type of manufacturing you do. Share the authority you have, and the authority your expert team has as well. Do target audience research to communicate your message to them, and be consistent doing it for top results and success.

2. Fill Your Web Pages With Quality Content

Yes, you are in the manufacturing space. However, don’t forget about the importance of having a powerful website that provides your target audience with the quality content they need to make a purchase decision or become a long-term client. This makes having a website full of authoritative and in-depth content critical to the growth and success of your manufacturing business.

For example, MachineryNetwork.com, a purveyor of used machinery equipment for manufacturers like yourself, provides a long list of information any buyer needs to purchase their products. This makes a huge difference. And filling web pages with long-form content, in excess of 2000 words per page is best practice that can increase your Google search rankings.

3. Make Your Manufacturing Business Mobile-Friendly

This kind of falls under the same thing as having a website that has lots of information. The truth is, there are far more mobile searches via mobile devices than desktops these days.

This means people who are searching for your type of manufacturing business will most likely be doing it on their smartphone. If your business website is not mobile-friendly, they will most likely visit your competitors instead.

Is your manufacturing business’ website mobile-friendly? To find out, you will need to do a bit of research. You can find your mobile site speed and user experience issues using Google PageSpeed Insights tool or Pingdom. You can also use the Google Mobile-Friendly tool as well to check your site’s mobile performance.

4. Get Local

Being online is not the end-all for your manufacturing business. You also need to be online in the right places. Like in your local community for instance. This makes having a Google My Business listing essential. With a local listing, anyone that Google searches for a manufacturing business like yours within a certain number of miles, will see your business box in the right corner of the search results. Your business will also appear on Google maps too.

“Google has added some great features to Google My Business that companies should take advantage of that enhances your Google My Business listing and helps to grab viewers’ attention — and can increase how you rank in local search results,” Sherry Bonelli of Moz explained.

In Conclusion . . .

The above four must-do manufacturing business hacks for growth and success are certainly not all the hacks you should have in your business owner’s arsenal. There are plenty more business hacks to find and implement, especially when it comes to starting a manufacturing business.

The above are just the tip of the iceberg, but among the most important. They can serve as a way to quickly get your manufacturing business moving in the right direction, both online and offline. Do you have any tips for budding manufacturing business owners? We want to hear from you.

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