3 Support Systems Entrepreneurs Should Have

Businessmen and businesswoman standing near table and happily talking while working together in office

Starting a business comes with significant challenges capable of wearing a person out and pushing them to give up. Focus and consistency are attributes that successful businesspeople champion, but without a support system, it can be hard to find the will and motivation to push through. Even though you might be currently navigating difficult spaces relatively well, don’t wait for a storm to jolt you to get people behind you.

Here are three support systems you should consider having in the early stages of your business.

Reach out to other entrepreneurs

Start-ups often have similar issues no matter what industry they fall under. That could be your lawyer family friend or the engineer who started a consulting company. Therefore, find people around you who are business owners and foster relationships with them. It requires taking time to have coffee and lunches and also making phone calls to find out how they are. Ensure that it is a mutually beneficial relationship where they feel they can even reach out to you for advice.

Tip: If you don’t have entrepreneurs in your immediate network, consider attending networking events. Alternatively, you can reach out to someone you admire directly and work on forming a relationship with them. It might be uncomfortable if it is someone you don’t know. That is normal; all new connections are awkward at first.

Join a community

As indicated, another place you can get the support you need is through networking. That can either be online or offline. What makes joining a community even more ideal is the fact that you have great minds giving ideas, helping with problem-solving or cheering you on. Equally, you can begin to act as the resource someone else needs. Sometimes we think we don’t have it in us until we help someone and watch things work out for them. Being with like-minded people within and outside your industry will be an eye-opening experience in as much as it is helpful.

Have a mentor

Mentors are valuable. These are people who have ventured before us and are willing to lend us knowledge and wisdom from their journeys. It does require you to be vulnerable and almost foolish at times but take heart; they have all been there. The fantastic thing about being an entrepreneur today is some sites connect you with mentors, and you can be one yourself. It helps to know support is a call, email or meeting away.

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