Seasonal Success: Industries that Excel During the Holidays

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The increased excitement and willingness to spend money makes the holidays a very lucrative time for businesses. Certain industries are exceptionally productive during these periods — whether it’s the fireworks for sale on special occasions or the retail frenzy of Christmas.

The modern business world continues to evolve and its progression shows no signs of slowing down. The various special days, seasons and holidays throughout the year are very important on both a social and professional level. For businesses, it provides the platform for increased marketing and producing unique products or services to coincide with a vital period of the year.

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few of the industries that enjoy seasonal success and how they’re able to do so.


The first industry on our list has to be retail. Christmas represents a time to eat lots of good food, enjoy quality time with your family and unwrap presents — all of which require the retail world to enjoy. Whether you’re an organised person who buys gifts a few months in advance or a last-minute hero (in fact, the 23rd and 24th are usually the biggest sales days) who embraces the frenzy, this period is a money-making goldmine for the retail industry.

Of course, the retail industry is continuously at work, but it’s the holidays when things get turned up a notch. Even the quietest, most unique stores that can’t compete with big chains will make a lot more money during the holidays. You also have to consider the money-saving potential at the start of a new year, just after the mayhem of Christmas, so that means there are a few solid months of massive retail success. Promotions and sales strategies built around Christmas, Black Friday and the January are not even an option now for retail businesses; they’re a necessity.


With all four seasons offering something unique in regards to temperature and aesthetic, people love to travel to experience a new place during a particular time of year — or merely to escape the less favourable weather that their local area is experiencing. No matter people’s reasoning for travel, the tourism industry is happy to oblige and enjoy seasonal success.

Take Christmas, for example. The festive season is hectic for the tourism industry, as many people will be coming home to celebrate with family. You then have to consider how many people travel to amazing locations to experience an unforgettable Christmas. A massive increase of people in an area has an effect on companies who provide travel, accommodation, hospitality, entertainment and anything else a tourist requires. Whilst the summer is the stereotypical season for high tourism rates, Christmas certainly isn’t far behind.

The Firework Industry

Bonfire Night is right around the corner in the UK, which means that firework season has begun. During this period, there are plenty of fireworks for sale and people will continue to use them throughout winter and over the new year. In an era where products are available to us as and when we want them, it’s interesting that we aren’t able to buy fireworks outside of the permitted dates.

While most countries allow the sale of fireworks during Christmas and the new year, others have additional holidays where you can find fireworks for sale. For example, the UK has Bonfire Night and America has Independence Day, both of which permit people to buy fireworks for a few weeks before and after the event. In these lucrative markets, sales strategies are accelerated during this time to get the absolute maximum amount of interest and purchases during this small period of time.


This time of year is when a massive amount of office parties, family meals, social gatherings and other celebratory events take place. Hotels, bars and restaurants are jam-packed with people getting into the festive spirit by eating their body weight in food and drinking one too many alcoholic beverages. Although the hospitality industry is active all year round, the holidays are undoubtedly the time where big business is done.

We already mentioned the tourism industry’s boost throughout various seasons and holidays, and this naturally affects hospitality businesses. Increased tourist activities mean that more people will require a roof over their head, places to eat and activities to enjoy. This makes the holidays a lucrative business opportunity for any company providing this type of service.

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