The Work-from-home Experience Can Be a Perfect Fit

Work-from-home Experience

As the gig economy continues to expand, working remotely has become a welcome opportunity for many individuals. This is especially true for parents with small children, military spouses, retired seniors, caregivers, persons with physical challenges and residents of rural areas, where work can be scarce.

As customer service reps, thousands of virtual agents make up our on-demand workforce in the United States and Canada. Here are a few of their stories that illustrate how remote work suits their lifestyles. (For privacy, only their first names are used.)

Originally from Brooklyn, Valerie served as a medic in the Navy for several years, then worked full time in an office setting. Now a single parent living in Tennessee, she needs a flexible schedule to care for her young daughter who is epileptic. Working as a remote agent fits her family’s needs perfectly, and she enjoys the interaction with clients’ customers. Valerie tells the story of a life-changing customer encounter—for her and a woman caller needing healthcare. With a pending divorce, she could no longer be carried on her husband’s insurance. Sensing the caller’s sadness and trepidation, Valerie shared her own life experiences with the woman. Their talk helped her to see things differently, with more confidence and hope. Then, Valerie connected the woman with a licensed insurance agent who could find her coverage.

Jennifer lives in North Carolina. She has 4-year-old son and wants to work remotely to be with him. She’s now on a client program that provides early-childhood-learning opportunities, and it’s a perfect fit. Jennifer has a degree in finance and worked previously as a director of a pre-school. On one occasion, she received a call from a mother in New York City. Both had sons the same age who were learning to read. They immediately bonded and enjoyed visiting and sharing recommendations. Often, agents’ backgrounds match the demographics of the customers they serve, which enables them to relate well.

Teresa, who uses a wheelchair, worked for AT&T for 17 years in Georgia until the office closed there. In 2000, she began her role as an on-demand customer service agent. Today, Teresa enjoys the relationships she’s built with other agents around the country through the Working Solutions agent website, Vyne. She’ll tell you the key to customer service is showing compassion and knowing you can make a difference. Teresa works for a client that provides assisted-living services for seniors and others. Once a young woman called distraught. Her father was ill, and not willing to accept his limitations. Teresa felt empathy for the caller, based on experiences with her own father. She shared this with the woman, telling her to comfort him, remember the good times, and see this as an ongoing life process. With care and understanding, Teresa helped her help her father.

Sonya lives in Georgia and has two grown children. She fell ill a few years ago, couldn’t drive or leave home, which meant giving up her job. A friend recommended becoming a virtual customer service representative from home, which she’s done now since 2012. Sonya says the most important things for successful service work are listening carefully to customers, being friendly and solving their problems.

Working from home as a remote customer service agent provides opportunities for a number of individuals and families with differing needs. The diversity of clients and flexibility of schedules offer work that fits many lifestyles and situations. It shows just how accommodating the gig economy can be.

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Kim Houlne turned an idea into an industry. As Working Solutions founder, she pioneered virtual contact center services across the USA. Her company launched its home-based agent model in 1996. In 2014, industry analyst Ovum reaffirmed its position as a top-tier leader in the home-based customer service industry, with agents in all 50 states. Houlne held senior management positions in consulting—and in financial and insurance industries at Mercer, Travelex, Mutual of Omaha and Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska.