Marcos Jacober – Podcast – Gig Economy 2019 – New Strategies Are Vital for Gig Worker Success

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Interview with Author & Gig Economy Guru Marcos Jacober

The gig economy continues to grow and expand, as one of the dominant sectors of home business. Millions of home-based entrepreneurs work in the gig economy of freelancers and independent contractors. But the gig economy is also changing under the influence of powerful trends that will impact gig workers in 2019. These trends will open up new opportunities in 2019; but will also make it more difficult for many gig workers who don’t understand the bow wave that’s coming.

To help us straighten up our Gig Line, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Marcos Jacober, CEO, international speaker and teacher Marcos Jacober( He is also author of Eat This Mr. President! How a Brazilian Immigrant Went from Truck Driver to Millionaire in 4 Years. Subscribe to Home Business TV (

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • Brief review of the gig economy, what it is, and who works in the gig economy
  • Trends coming in 2019 that will hit gig workers with a bow wave
  • How “side hustles” will become more difficult for those who don’t understand the trends coming
  • Most gig workers are making less than $500 per month. What are these gig workers doing wrong?
  • The best and the worst gig side hustles
  • How gig workers can get key parts of their business on autopilot
  • 3 things every gig entrepreneur needs to know to be successful in 2019.

Episode Sponsor: Drone Command Live *

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Interview Guest:

Marcos Jacober











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