Top 5 SEO Techniques That Every Business Should Follow

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Online presence has been a constant battlefield for small to large businesses. It doesn’t matter what field or profession your business is in. Where you rank in search engines, especially in comparison to other businesses in your field, could very well be the determining factor in how many customers you gain. For example, if you have a business that specialises in providing attorneys, and you’re aware of others companies locally that provide the same service, you’re going to want to ensure that your law firm SEO is higher than the competition. Most people will use search engines to locate your services, and will likely gravitate toward the first one recommended.

You may not understand the value of it right now, but heeding some SEO tips is crucial for the growth of your business. For starters, here are five of the easiest hacks.

1. Time for more length

Dust off your old pages and take time to write longer content. A study by Backlinko stated that the longer content a page has the higher chance it will rank better. But still, content quality and relevance are important factors here.

Find your site’s well-ranked and authority pages and refresh it with new information. You no longer have to start from scratch. This is much simpler and there’s no need to exert extra SEO efforts.

2. Emphasis on topics more than keywords

Keyword-focused content is excellent, but it’s not the golden ticket to the top search result. No matter how much you stuff your pages with low-competition and user-intended keywords, it will not work its magic without an engaging content.

Consider what potential users are looking for, what questions they are asking, and what solutions they want. Keyword research is still an indispensable part of SEO, but it’s not just a black and white concept.

3. Be on local listings

Brick-and-mortar businesses often forget that online users still visit physical shops. There are tons of online stores that can offer the same service/product, but you can get a share of the attention if you’re on a local listing. However, this isn’t just about putting your business on the web. You have to perform local SEO.

Localizing means potential customers near your area are more likely to see your listing when they search for a query.

4. Boost site speed

Of all the SEO tips that you can practice, boosting your site speed never gets old. Since 2010, Google is using website speed as one of their ranking factors. It hasn’t changed since then. Your users will only spare three seconds before they leave your site and look for another option. If you succeed at improving speed, you don’t just benefit from the ranking aspect, you also gain higher conversion rates.

Businesses should remember that about 79% of all online shoppers wouldn’t go back to a website once they experience accessibility issues.

5. Optimize your site on Google RankBrain

No one is certain as to how many ranking factors Google has, but the largest search engine revealed that RankBrain optimization is one of them. RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that works by analyzing how users interact with first page results.

The more users clicking to your site (click-through rates) with low bouncing rates is a good sign that you’re able to satisfy user queries.

Online presence has an ever-growing demand for optimization. Businesses who can’t dive into the technicality of the process can hire SEO expert services to get the job done.

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