Six Winsome Tips for Successful Local SEO

Adapting your website and its content for local market optimization can sound easier than marketing your business online for national or even international audiences. However, the key to successful local search engine optimization is narrowing your customer base and site traffic to a smaller geographical location. Using phrases like “the best fill in the blank” will only broaden the base and decrease your chances of having competitive content for local online markets.

Here, we’ll discuss six key things to consider when trying to target a local audience. Individuals who have a business that operates on a local level and want to reach people in their community will find these six points helpful.

1. Narrow Your Keywords and Phrases

This is perhaps the most obvious step in the process, but easily overlooked when trying to match national models for SEO success. While there are ways to market yourself successfully on a national level, if your business operates exclusively in one area, then having national visitors is not worth your while. The point is to narrow the gap between visitors and those who use your business.

Consumers looking for local businesses are going to include their geographical location in their search string. If a business has not included these keywords in their content, then that site and content will be missed by the consumer.

2. Reference Operating Locations Organically

This is key to all SEO but deserves a mention here as well. Not only should you reference the business location naturally, but you should include different keywords that describe the same place (e.g. New York City, NYC, The Big Apple, etc.). This will ensure that not too many of the same keywords were used and guarantees that the content casts a wider net and accounts for different consumer search phrases.

3. Keep Your Content Updated

This is a must in order to keep your local business’s online content relevant and competitive in your local area. A great way to keep content fresh is to have a good sense of the community you are in. For example, if your business is a lawn or landscaping company, then it makes sense to provide content that speaks to the season your community is currently in.

If it is springtime, then new content referencing flowerbed design options might drive consumers to your site. If it is winter, then snow removal might be the answer.

4. Exploit Local Online Services and Social Media

Taking advantage of local tools that help businesses in your area get the word out or services like Google and Bing Business pages will help your business achieve a higher ranking in local online markets.

Utilizing social media platforms is another must for growing your business’s online footprint. Social media also allows for effective communication with your customers and the community in general. This type of communication will ensure an appealing relationship with the community, and0 more importantly, future clients.

5. Show Loyalty to the Community

Make sure your content addresses the community and how long your business has been serving the area. As we’ve found with SEO specialists from Miromind, addressing the community through your content will bolster your chances of converting site visitors into returning customers. Use words and phrases that are specific to the community or area you are in. There are many consumers who are specifically looking for a local business who has a vested interest in serving the community they are in and their search strings will reflect those desires. So, ensure your content speaks to things your business has done to bolster the community.

6. Compare Your Online Content with Successful Local Businesses

As with any SEO, analyze and compare your business’s online content with that of other companies’ content. You can do this with the help of business comparison software. Understand where your site ranks among top search engines like Google and Bing. This will allow you to set a plan for improving your site’s ranking and getting to Google’s first page.

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