Guaranteed Removals on the Importance of SEO for Businesses

Top view of digital tablet and laptop near wooden cubes with seo lettering

It is a term that is searched millions of times a month as people try and understand the concept that has quickly become one of the most important parts of a business’ marketing strategy. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic for a company or individual by improving its qualities for a search engine. SEO increases the visibility of a website to users of a search engine while not factoring in paid placements or advertising. At Guaranteed Removals, they ensure that all the content they create for their clients is optimized.

Over the years, search engines have become more optimized at filtering out spam or fake articles that can flood the results page through hiding keywords in unrelated articles and other methods of spam. SEO allows companies and individuals to optimize their own quality content to reach the top of search pages and not get automatically filtered out due to being considered ‘spam’.

Search engines look for a large variety of qualifications that all factor into the SEO of a webpage. Below is a list of what Guaranteed Removals believe are four of the most important parts of SEO that they utilize for all their content creation.

1. Relevancy

The first part of SEO is to ensure that the content is relevant to the search result. Content that is not relevant is quickly filtered out by search engines so that people using the search engine get their results efficiently. At Guaranteed Removals, all their content that is produced is relevant to the client’s objectives.

2. Quality

In addition to relevancy, quality is just as important of a part of SEO. The content that is put on the web can vary wildly in terms or quality and search engines strive to only allow high-quality work to reach the top of their results pages where most page visits occur from. Quality content is a combination of proper spelling and grammar, appropriate length and reputable websites. Reputable websites are websites that have continually had high-quality content uploaded to them and therefore have gained a reputation of having good content. On the other hand, individual blogposts on a personal blog almost never appear in search engines unless specifically searched for because they are not considered reputable.

3. Cross Device Compatibility

In the era of smartphones that we are currently in, having the ability for a page to load and be viewed properly on a mobile device is a key focus of SEO. Search engines give priority to links and websites that are mobile compatible so that one results page works well for any platform.

4. Headlines and Titles

The title of an article is quite often the most important string of words that is written for the article. Most of the time, the title of the article is also what appears on the search engine results page and due to this is the first view that readers get about what the content is about and if it is worth their time to go to the webpage. A catchy, relevant title will draw readers in, but a boring or not relevant title can push readers away. Guaranteed Removals holds the belief that a strong and relevant title is the first step to achieving an increase in market base.

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