4 Affordable Tips for Marketing a New Mobile App

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Mobile apps are a thriving industry and Statista predicts that revenues from them will reach $189 billion by 2020. But considering the unprecedented growth in popularity of mobile devices, that number might actually go up. This means that launching an application now can give you a good chance to cash in on that profit. Unfortunately, there are nearly three million apps today and this number increases daily. This means that you’ll need to use some clever tips for marketing a mobile app. The good news is that you won’t have to spend a fortune on this. Simply by using your available resources efficiently you’ll be able to boost the app’s downloads.

4 Tips for Marketing a Mobile App on a Shoestring Budget

1. Post some screenshots

Always post screenshots from the app on every platform where you put it up for download. As few people bother to read descriptions and instructions fully, screenshots are the main tool for both educating prospective users and persuading them that your app is better than the competition.

The screenshots should show the app’s key features as well as its interface on different devices. They also need to be attractive and motivate people to download.

2. Market the app as you would a business

The majority of tips for marketing a mobile app and tips for marketing a business are the same because you get better results when you promote it via paid ads, social media, etc. Even if your budget is small, you can set up a website using a hosting for small business. These packages are affordable and usually come with a free website builder included. You can use a basic theme to save money and make it unique using screenshots and other graphics related to your app.

You will also need to set up social media accounts for the app. Connect them to your website and use them to post updates and answer user’s queries. Be sure to use as many advertisement options as you can afford for maximum impact.

Helpful content types to post on your website include how-to videos and infographics, videos from exhibits and other events where you present the app, as well as webinars teaching people how to use your product and its significance.

3. Remember SEO everywhere

Search engine optimization for your app’s website is a must as this will help it rank high with Google. However, you need to apply the same keyword use rules for the app’s accounts on platforms like Google Play and App Store.

They all have search features that run on similar rules. However, these searches are usually more ‘precise’ than Google’s complex protocols. Therefore, you might need to narrow down your list of keywords for product descriptions. When researching keywords, remember that they have to be relevant but less competitive. Choose something with a high enough number of searches to get noticed but not high enough so your app gets lost among the results.

Be sure to monitor and reassess your app’s account performance and change keywords to develop the most effective optimization.

4. Make your app intuitive and instantly valuable

One of the most important tips for marketing a mobile app has very little to do with actual marketing. It has to do with the application’s overall layout.

If you want it to be successful and not uninstalled right away or forgotten, your app must be simple and intuitive to use. The person who installs it needs to understand the value of the program right away and not spend half an hour trying to figure out how it works.

The best way to achieve this, aside from designing an easy-to-use straightforward application, is to add a few instructional messages that will appear during the initial launch. Make them short and simple but informative enough that the user will be able to grasp how to work with the software right away.

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