How to Make Side Money from Surveys When Running a Home Business

Online Survey

Nowadays, the internet has given people more chances to earn money on the side. Hence, even if you’re working full-time or you’re running your own business at home, there’s always a way to earn a little extra without having to exert considerable amounts of effort.

One of the ways to do that is by taking online surveys. They’re usually quick and easy to get over with, so it’s something that you can easily slip in during breaks.

The Perks of Answering Surveys During Your Free Time

While no one gets considerably rich by merely answering surveys at home, it can still be a worthwhile endeavor. After all, it’s not exactly a whole new job in itself. People can always set aside a part of their day for it and proceed with the rest of their responsibilities as usual.

Online surveys can be especially helpful if you’re looking for simple ways to add to your monthly income. Instead of having to dip into your payroll or savings, you can use your earnings from surveys for your “fun” expenses instead.

If you’re patient and consistent, it can eventually turn into a reliable money-making scheme.

How Do People Earn from Surveys?

If you think that answering multiple surveys per day is simple, that’s because it actually is. These days, many businesses are big on market research because they want to know what exactly makes people tick. Hence, there’s no shortage of surveys to answer if you know where to look.

Here’s how answering online surveys usually works:

  • Sign Up with a Legitimate Survey Site

First and foremost, you must ensure that you’re signing up with a legitimate website. You don’t want to waste your time and effort on scams.

  • Set Up Your Profile

Fill out your profile completely and accurately. Surveys are usually labeled according to their target users and demographics. Businesses won’t waste time sending you their surveys if your profile doesn’t fit their target demographics.

Remote Worker
  • Check Available Surveys

Make sure your e-mail updates are turned on so you’ll get notified regarding available surveys. Alternatively, you can always set aside time for checking survey websites.

  • Take Surveys

Answer the survey questions as honestly as possible. Some surveys just contain multiple-choice items, while others may require you to explain your answer.

  • Earn Cash or Points

Some websites reward their users with points that can later be redeemed as cash, while others give out cash to your PayPal account.

It’s worth remembering that surveys don’t cost much. Yes, there are instances when you can get as much as $20 or more per survey, but the average payout is usually just $1 to $5. These may not seem like much, but if you set yourself up to answer at least 10 surveys per week, then you can add $40 to $200 to your payroll each month!

Here’s how you can reap the rewards of taking surveys:

1. Set Up Your PayPal Account

If you don’t have a PayPal account, then it’s time to make one.

You probably weren’t expecting this step, but most legitimate survey websites pay users through PayPal. Signing up isn’t a hassle and you can easily withdraw your PayPal balance to your existing bank accounts.

2. Research a Survey Site’s Legitimacy

Before you sign up for anything, it’s normal to be wary of sites that involve money. Even if you’re just looking for a side income, a website’s legitimacy should still be your top priority.

Fortunately, review sites, like, have already done most of the hard work for you. They review multiple survey sites and list down what’s good and bad about them. They also keep their lists updated. Now, it’s easier for you to pick the ones that are the real deal.

3. Sign Up for the Ones with Legitimate Reviews

Once you’ve gotten through all the legitimate websites available, it’s time to sign up for all of them. If that sounds overwhelming, you can sign up for at least three before adding more accounts on various websites.

By trying out multiple websites, you can see for yourself which of them provides the best payouts and user experiences. Also, there will be instances when some sites don’t have surveys that are applicable to your profile. In those cases, you can simply use other websites to earn.

Woman working outside

4. Just Answer What’s Available

Many people will easily be turned off by surveys that don’t pay much. However, answering them is usually your gateway to higher-paying tasks.

Once the website recognizes that you’re a reliable user, you open yourself up to better opportunities. Your profile is a lot more likely to turn up under the radar of companies who can pay more for their surveys.

5. Make It a Habit

It probably isn’t exciting to get $1 or $5 for every survey, but if you just leave your earnings to grow and continue answering surveys, you’d be glad to look back at your PayPal’s contents. However, this will only happen if you make a habit out of online surveys.

Don’t just answer “when you feel like it”. If you really want to make surveys a reliable means of having side money, you also need to set up a consistent schedule for it.

When it becomes a habit, logging in to your survey accounts becomes second nature. After some time, you’ll just notice how you’re no longer as financially restrained as before.

Conclusion: Small Amounts from Surveys Add Up in the Long Run!

Taking surveys on legitimate websites is one of the best things you can do in your past time. While the payment per survey may not look rewarding at first, your cash points will eventually add up if you stick to a consistent survey schedule.

User opinions are becoming more and more important to companies nowadays, and surveys are your chance to improve products and earn money at the same time. Though the amounts you’ll get aren’t anything grand upon completing tasks, it’s usually enough to garner considerable extra money at the end of the month.

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