List of Businesses That Require Little Hands-on Work

Woman enjoying her bed and breakfast stay
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Starting a business is such a dreamy idea until you realize the amount of work and risks that goes into it. Of course, there is your 9-to-5 job that you can’t quit just yet, especially if it’s giving you the security that you need to pay the bills and take care of daily expenses.

But working full-time doesn’t have to stop you from fulfilling your dream of starting your own business. In fact, you can grow a side hustle that requires little hands-on work and nurture it until it gains enough traction to blossom into a full-time career. If you love the idea, here are some business options that you can choose from:

Web Development

Do you have some skills and experience in creating websites? You can start a web development firm that lets you work from home and without any need for extra manpower until you decide to expand in the future. Web development is becoming a popular service outsourced by businesses and most of them look for developers who can offer them good results without the high price. Since skill and experience is needed for this type of business, you can improve yours by enrolling in online courses, reading tech blogs and watching tutorials.

Self Storage

It is hard to find a company that requires less effort then a self storage company. All you do is build the units, rent the units and make sure the location is secure. That’s it. It is easy to outsource all of it as well. For a massive 1000+ units all you will need is one secretary, one accountant (or get a secretary/accountant!), and some security guys (if you need them for 24-hour security, depending on your location). If you really want to kick the business into overdrive, get a sales guy and work a little on your SEO but otherwise you are probably good with a Yellow Pages ad as your customers will come to you.


Do you enjoy writing about certain topics? You can start a blog as a way to earn extra cash without leaving your full-time job. This business only requires your skills and passion, and you can schedule posts so it doesn’t take so much of your time. All you need is some inspiration and research to come up with interesting, relevant and timely articles that are related to the genre you choose to write about. While you can’t expect to be successful overnight, blogging can be a good long-time business if you know the in-betweens of affiliate marketing. You also need to build your credibility to attract more traffic to your blog, which will make you more noticeable to marketers who would want to promote their products on your blog.

Bed and Breakfast

If you have extra rooms in your house and you don’t mind having guests over, consider launching a bed and breakfast that might bring you huge profits in the future. Invest in improvements to make your space more inviting for travellers and post your rooms in websites like Airbnb where a lot of tourists look for rooms, apartments and houses to rent during their vacation. You just need to wait for bookings, take care of your guests during their stay and earn some good money after. You can earn income during a vacation by renting out your space while you’re away. Put your extra items in self storage and start working on improving those rooms to bring extra cash in.


If you have extensive knowledge, skills and background in a certain field, put that to good use by opening a consultancy firm. A lot of businesses require certain expertise to improve their processes and would gladly pay for your services to help them solve a problem or manage their company properly.

If you want it enough, you can always start your own business, be successful at it and still have your 9-to-5 job. Start by looking into these ideas, think about your strengths, do some research and be brave enough to take that leap of faith. Not all businesses will require all of your time and effort. You just have to choose well and play to your strengths. Before you know it, you’ll be earning more and start growing your business.

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