10 Retirement Start-Up Business Ideas

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baby boomer 442252 960 720 e1505160136316

Many 55-plus persons are becoming entrepreneurs and are successfully starting their own businesses to support themselves or to supplement their current job earnings or retirement incomes. Here are 10 start-up business ideas:

*Green Consultant: Advise home and business owners how to save money and energy, and protect the environment in their lifestyles and operations.

*Grandparents’ E-zine: Write an e-zine, blog, or column specializing in experiences and/or products, advice, or other topics that grandparents can share with their grandchildren.

*Information Specialist: Sell clients reports in the industry or profession in which you are experienced and an expert.

*In-Home Care (Non-Medical) Services: Run errands and assist seniors, home-bound individuals, and others who have demanding work and/or travel schedules with daily (non-medical) tasks.

*Inventions/Innovations: Use your industry and/or hobby training and experiences to create, patent, and license new products.

*Mobile Business: Bring your services, tutoring, grooming, hair styling, car detailing and others directly to clients’ homes or offices.

*School Assembly Presentations: Schools, home-schooling organizations, and institutions seek educational and/or entertaining presentations featuring programs on animal, science and other topics for their students, clients, and patients.

*Teaching-Tutoring: Share your knowledge and expertise with others instructing through online, in-school, or private classes.

* Technology Installer: Set-up, install, and provide basic operating instructions to buyers of televisions, computers, and home entertainment and theatre systems.

* Travel Writer: Write informative pieces about travel destinations for local, national, and global web sites and print publications.

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